Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Hope they do give us some sort of notice. My guild got split in half cause it ended so abruptly…also since it was opened at midnight.


Anyone else spam refreshing the twitter page so we don’t miss todays window?

Any know if they are opening the Transfers soon? Durgular wants to know.

Will they announce it here or on Twitter? Also, is it the Classic WoW Twitter or Aggrend’s personal page?

Not sure

don’t know about twitter. Judging by this thread itself… other than the one post last night it isn’t being posted here. it also hasn’t happened at all since last nights post. I checked this morning around 8am pst and there weren’t any player comments nor was it available. did some shopping and came home. have been around all day checking on the hour and some times half hour and nope. nada.

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I like how Tom Ellis is like “good news, no sign of faction flight”… yeah, no duh, you’re not going to see much meaningful results from the FCM being open for like 2 hours total at random hours of the day…


it’s 5 pm pst. transfers are not live. carry on.

Transfer are open once again, no faction restrictions at this time, movement from both factions has been roughly equal.


yeah not working for me either and I restarted the game. Edit now it is.

CS Ally → WG done. Thank god. I can go to sleep now.

Does not seem to work on Lone Wolf

Is Lone Wolf Horde locked or something? It won’t let me transfer. No way it was a 3 minute window.

EDIT: After several restarts it finally went through! No more refreshing! No more starting over! I’m free!

What do u do if the ‘Free Transfer’ option isn’t even appearing under shop?

is there an estimated time frame for this one?

That server is not eligible

Same. Shipping off to WG.

o7 toxic “PvP”

Give us more than 1 hour. Please. Mail from the auction house won’t let me transfer my character

my friend is logging in in a hour please give us that long (or a little more) :slight_smile:

Should be a couple of hours. I know these windows are frustrating, but a lot of players can move very quickly sometimes and we’d really prefer to not completely mess up any existing realms with these moves. Its more nuanced than “how many characters have moved” it takes some time to see how many people are just moving an alt or two, how many are actively then logging into the new realm. So everything needs to bake for a while to analyze the actual effect on both the Source and Destination realms.