Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Well thanks for this, I missed it because I was “touching grass” and nothing popped off when I did stick around for a few hours after I missed out. Maybe we can get another post the next time it’s up. it isn’t right now.

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“At some point in the next 48 hours transfers off of your PvP server to Wild Growth will be available for 10-20 minutes.”

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The communication on this is pretty awful. Im sure the average person regretting their choice to role pvp server is not staying up until 4am server time to try to xfer off. It’ll probably get ugly for Ally on servers like CS NA come next phase .


blizzard sucks, end of discussion

Begging for an advanced warning so we can plan accordingly


Why aren’t you opening the transfer option when people are actually able to be online? I’m a boomer. I can’t stay awake past midnight.

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This is how i know you have never had a real job. Try working a 9-5 then come back and say an unannounced midnight window was a great idea.

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They actually opened the first window at 5pm.

If they did it in the evening, people would complain it was their raid time.

No solution will ever be perfect, but I agree, a bit more transparency goes a long way… so far those opened exactly at the moment I stopped looking if it was active, which is annoying because I don’t really want to check every hour if it’s up.

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For the love of all that is holy, can we please come up with a better system for announcing these transfer windows. There have been 3 windows that I’m aware of. 2 happened while I was at work(1pm and 2pm EST) and the last one happened while I was asleep(11pm or 12am not sure).

Why are you guys making it so difficult to transfer?! I literally can’t sit here refreshing the forums all day hoping I can catch the window that will happen at unannounced time for an unknown length of time. Just let my shaman leave Lone Wolf and go to Wild Growth.

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Can you open them now? Also, thank you.

Why would they open them now? There’s too many people online and ready. They’ll wait until everyone gives up out of frustration and exhaustion and goes to sleep, then they will open the transfer window for 10 minutes so nobody can make it.


I’ve had badluk so far getting to the server when the xfers have been open… made me sadge.

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they’re literally just testing the waters for paid transfers and using this as a test to see how hungry everyone is for it

sod should have had warmode but blizzard is VERY BAD at what they do, because no one that works for blizzard made this game, they inherited it.

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Honestly, if they opened up $5 transfers I would’ve done it in a heartbeat. That’s far better than them announcing that “free transfers are open” and dangling that carrot in front of people, only to find out that they’re truly only open for a minuscule amount of time, and most of the people that would have been interested in transferring won’t be able to.

So what you’re left with is a more upset population of people that thought they had a chance for a better gaming experience, but end up still just stuck where they are, and are increasingly dissatisfied because now they’ve actually lost an opportunity they thought they would’ve had. The way the team is choosing to do this can only backfire and hurt morale for the majority of those that would’ve otherwise loved to transfer.

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Just think about it… they need to make sure the amount of people leaving the server is balanced for both factions… it must be annoying as hell for them to just not open the flood gates.

ya go take a look at the SoD realm pops and here we go back to 99% servers with like 2k players… was fun while it lasted. bad change. go make a new character like you had to before.

It’s more like 20k each server. And that’s only raiders.

CS about to be empty

still have some friends that are wanting to transfer… a little more heads up would be great for them.


If I can’t transfer, I will. Still sucks to have to start completely over when they introduced an option for people to transfer. Didn’t know it was only going to be a lucky few “golden ticket” situation.

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