Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Maybe crusader strike horde shouldn’t have been so awful and relentlessly camping us. I’m still hesitant because who knows down the line but i’ll probably also eventually take the transfer.

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I don’t think they’re going to open it again for Alliance after tonight. There’s a ton of people transferring right now.

FREEDOM! I wish you luck Shadowstrike players!

One day, I too will leave Shadowstrike for the glorious Wild Growth.

Would be really nice if you let Australian player know when you’re doing this not in the middle of the night for us …but I guess its blizzard it’s to be expected.


??? I guess it’s not for a guild to move, otherwise, there is no guarantee that they can all transfer successfully.

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They did a few hours ago, would have been like 1pm Melb time.
Was only open for a couple hours and only option to go to was penance (au) which wow pop shows has around 850 players on it =(

People don’t like sharding though, it breaks immersion in the world when you move from one zone to another and suddenly everything vanishes. Keeping realm populations low enough to not use layers is the only real solution, but the devs abandoned their

Pretty much, that’s what the dev said:

Yeah because Phasing is great one minute your fighting mobs and the next your phased into a new Copy only to be totally outnumbered by horde or mobs … yeah such a better system

Thanks for breaking my guild up. One small action just ruined the entire season for me and my friends.

Sorry again East Cost 9-5 employees, we only open this window while you’re at work or asleep!


Honestly this aggravated me most. Love how devs cant fathom normal life.


at midnight lmfao
quit your job youre literally trash at it

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devs are subhuman trash for sod tbh

Dear horde, can I get a hug in game for not leaving?

Wild Growth continues to be the destination server of choice. We welcome both factions, and have fun/active STV events. Economy is solid, people are chill. Very active/open raid and pug scene and many types of solid guilds are actively recruiting (both factions). Our guild is running 7 Sunken Temple Weekly raids now, pretty cool to see the server grow!


Yes move to a small server…to…join a…mega guild…

This community can’t be saved.

Milk em blizz.

Well, it’s too bad I can t stay up all night on a work night to transfer. They opened at 4 am. this is silly. i get it, but it sucks.

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Just did, told my boss isorry bro gotta quit to be able to xfer my toon when windows up. He said i cant apply for unemployment:(

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There are plenty of alliance still on CS. I doubt you will even notice much of a difference