Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

insane in the membrane

Can you allow US Shadow Strike (AU) to all the US PVE servers not just Penance?

Wait, AU is limited to only the AU pve server to transfer to? Gross.

Sorry the undergeared population on your server is going to leave and you’ll have less players to grief now :cry:

Alliance leaving is hillarous, why would I be upset about that? I love watching you guys project =].

Is there going to be any hint as to when these windows might be happening? I can’t be sitting at my computer all day looking at the free character transfer option and hoping that the continue button suddenly becomes clickable.


Is there any way we can get more exact times for when the transfers will be? I was able to xfer 8 out of 9 characters from Crusader Strike to Wild Growth but every time I have tried to xfer the last one the server no longer pops up and no reason is given. I will try again tomorrow of course but scheduled time frames would do wonders.

I sense a sharp increase in unsubs if they don’t provide enough opportunity for friends and guilds to move together.


Loving the radio silence from blue posters here. Really appreciate it guys – keep up the good work.

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It’s weird too, Living Flame transfers off from horde side were available the ENTIRE night. I kept creating and deleting lvl 1s to test the feature actually worked. But getting off CS? Not a chance

Another fun feature of that being available last night, if you copied and pasted the server name from the Living Flame transfer, into a transfer from Crusader Strike, it let you press the continue button. Unfortunately, it only returned errors, but I definitely did that all night long.

I’ll share my popcorn with you, while we both stare at the screen for nothing to happen again all night and morning. LOL

I haven’t seen it at hinterlands, or feralas. Sure there is occasional pvp but its not greifing in the slightest.

The runes are also friendly which is like 2 days of doing a single quest.

Transfers are open once again, and again likely for the next 1-2hrs.


Edit: Nvm 10char

Unfortunately Shadowstrike can only go to Penance…

Wild Growth would be awesome to be with my other characters.

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I needed to click on the input box and Wild growth popped up on CS alliance and it worked.

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Thanks tom!!


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RIP Crusader Strike Alliance. What’s going to happen now is there’s a massive number of Alliance going to Wild Growth. The server balance is already slightly Horde leaning and as we know from the past, that’s all it really takes. Once these transfers close and the remaining minority of Alliance start feeling the faction disadvantage out in the world, they will start to quit or re-roll.

Layers are stupid and the Classic team should have just used sharding instead of an inferior system. There’s lots of bad decisions you people made and it looks like that isn’t going to stop anytime soon.