Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Get a look at this moron.

  1. The transfer is free
  2. It’s to Wild Growth, which has been a high pop realm for all of P1-P3
  3. Paid transfers don’t work in seasonal realms.

Should have stayed in school bud

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I would do anything to go to wild growth man please just open it up! Im so sick of Crusader strike Ill leave all my friends I just dont want to level up 4 toons to 40+ again

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Too bad I was at work and I missed all the gold from incursions.

Wait, that was last time. Now I was at work and missed the transfer window.


/sigh The casual dads lose all the time. So far these transfers only happen during work hours.
Listen devs, I know you can’t cater to everyone but can we do transfers later in the day as well? Like just WAIT until 4pm server, pay someone an hour of OT to push the button, just help the casual dads out with a fair chance.

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Yall are bad at developing and balancing. What are you good at? What does my 15$even go to

Blizzard. Please for the love of god let us know when these transfers will happen ahead of time so we can better coordinate with our guild. You saying “They’ll be open for the next two hours maybe” is unacceptable. People work and not everyone has a third eye on your forums waiting and refreshing for servers to open. Half my guild has transferred and the remaining who haven’t are very angry at us for leaving. Open it back up. Let Lone wolf die, it was dead as soon as you opened transfers up.

Instead of fixing the pvp concentrated zones that were causing 99% of the headaches, you chose to open up server transfers and essentially kill an entire server due to fomo and fear. Great job. Please do better than this.


Can we get an advertised window maybe? There are a ton of guilds getting split up, even though guilds weren’t your target it is a social game after all so its expected for there to be guilds wanting to actually leave together but even randoms are having trouble due to the extremely random open times for transfers


Imagine being so much of a easy mark you think they won’t turn them on in later p4 lol. This is why they keep doing it, because their community is just free money.

Let’s go ask all those past players how free xfers worked out.

Enjoy your cope, soon to be seethe followed by crying.

They have stated it’s not for guilds and won’t be doing this on twitter. Sorry.

Well this seems excessive. The only greifing I’ve seen occuring was at the incursions back before they added guards and honorless targets. Now it seems like pretty normal pvp stuff.

Are you questing? Fight over the mobs?
Are you at the dungeon entrance? Fight over control of the entrance.
Are you outnumbered? Get a group together.

Go outside :slight_smile:

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Can you please make it so if you have already a lets say level 40+ character on Wildgrowth the Trasnfers are open. I moved to WildGrowth back in P1 for this exact reason people are leaving now and i have 2 level 25 Hordes id like to move over, I’m not adding to the current exodus of the PVP servers as I haven’t been on one for months.

This periodic timeframe does not work for us on the westcoast that have jobs.

Incursions are still being griefed. Incursions need to be made strictly a PvE area. So unplayable right now. I am absolutely done with incursions. Shame there are runes locked behind that rep. Ah well.

That’s not what they’re trying to limit. This is just the same as the faction lock for creating characters on PvP servers, but in the other direction. Otherwise all it takes is 7 days of transfers to completely empty one faction on a PvP server. And once that happens, their faction lock will not be able to fix the imbalance.

I’m literally posting from my fields I’m outside working in. Similar to how you’ll literally gonna be crying over a dead server soon =).

Says the guy that wiped on Defenders. Badtotems badtank badraid. Cry more wiping on brain dead nerfed content. UwU

Why is it always the grey parser to comment a bunch of nonsense like this?

I don’t need you to answer this.

I already know.

says the gray parser himself

I guess "“periodically opening Free Character Transfers” really means when the devs take a 30 min nap after lunch. God forbid they have to cater to someone outside of business hours.

The guild i just joined died because everyone left. I started preparation to leave and today I log in and see the transfers closed randomly. Someone objectively looking at this setup and being like “yeah this makes sense and works well” is pretty insane