Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

I do appreciate the post, if you’re able to do so whenever you re-enable, eventually I might see a post within an hour of posting. Wish there was a way to get SMS forum notifications

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Why the heck have the two windows been during the middle of the work day for all of the US? I arrived home yesterday at 5:00 EDT and checked every 30 minutes until 11:30 and no transfers were available. Fine, I thought today Blizzard would shift the second window to after 5pm EDT, but no the same damn time slot was opened. Glad half my guild was able to transfer the past two days, but it’s looking like the rest of us working stiffs will be screwed.


I agree! I stayed up for 14 hours waiting yesterday and slept three hours before work. Look at the forums and ofc they open it during main work hours. This is ridiculous!



Does it really change much? People moving on were not participating on world pvp anyways and were only targets for greifers.

On the other hand, what I really hate about this system, and it was the same with locked servers, is that it doesn’t consider if you are already playing on the destination realm. It’s a bit to “all or nothing” and don’t consider scenario like this, where server balance won’t be affected by alts.

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Any chance we could get a bit more notice and it not be during normal work hours? My friends and I would really like to transfer but it’s never open when we can be online


Was able to head home a little early and of course it’s already closed before 4PM EDT. So annoying.

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closed them too soon, sadge.


I no-lifed the beginning of this phase hard. I can promise you on every main layer horde were peaceful. After 3 or 4 days ppl figured out honor was best at the lvl40 incursion, so ally got raids to camp it on our server. Eventually horde had to fight back and now it’s at the state it is.


Honor is def not best at incursions its about 3k an hour you still make more doing AB in 30 min games which are slower games. In AB if your losing your making 2600 honor still horde or ally. Horde when about 66% of AB so they make more regardless. Incursion pvp is def not for farming honor it is to stop players from playing the game.

They are farming honor on people below their level, camping incursions, because they can’t stomach an even-ish playing field in a BG. It’s not about efficiency, it’s about their own skill-issue

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Hope these open up again, my guild left while I was at work and the window is currently closed.

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This is awful, Half guild is gone forcing me to level after they nerfed the incursions. Blizzard needs to figure it out or theyll lose long term customers over this. You literally either have to reroll and spend 20+ hours getting max level or stay on the server and try to find a new guild capable of clearing content consistently.

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just keep the transfers open for a day or two, stop screwing people.


Can we at least get a notification when they open again? Would much prefer not to have to sporadically check if it’s working all throughout the day.


This random trying to find the right time transfers are opened is garbage. Post when migration periods are available. Some of us are tired of this cloak and dagger crap.


Just create a npc in the incursion zones to opt out of the pvp.


I guess I’m going to try to be on at 11 am tomorrow. My luck, it opens up at midnight

I plan on sitting at my computer staring at the login screen all day. Because that’s a healthy and fun activity.


How about bring up 1 more “Normal” server instead of having to gate WG.

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Look at all these fools blizzard is milking once again. “This xfer to a dying realm will save wow for me!”.

You have 5 years of classic history to read, so many posts. This isn’t a stove, it’s sticking your hand directly into a flame

Enjoy releveling, qutting or more likely ponying up 25 for a p4 xfer when added.