Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Has anyone seen any announcemts for when servers become available? I have sent messages back and forth with a GM over this, and was told that there would be announcements, however, reading though this post it seems like that statement wasnt true.

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No announcements. You just have to periodically check the shop tab in game to see if your server is open for transfers to the server you want to transfer to.


Quite possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever seen


This is how you give people FOMO anxiety blizzard.

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I just chewed out a gm over this. We need to just keep eachother in the loop when transfers are up.

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Be sure to post here if you see transfers become available to/from anywhere. If Blizz wont do thier job, we’ll do it ourselves, like always.

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Enjoy your dead realm in a week lmao

Because that could absolutely destroy the faction balance on the servers. It happened in WotLK, they opened up free transfers from Firemaw to Gehennas. It took 7 days for the realm to go from 9k horde, to 1k, and another week to go to 500.

I’m pretty sure people quitting the game because pvp is already broken is also bad for faction balance.


So in practice it seems every few hours they are opening brief windows for transfer (literally 1-5min). I’m guessing they don’t want to give hard numbers to help prevent large 20+ person guilds from simultaneously transferring. If they pre-announce large guilds would use it and bat phone dozens/hundreds of members, or that is their worry I assume (probably not wrong). Hence, just keep checking back.

Thats the problem, I understand they dont want half the server swapping at once. However for those of us with jobs/responsibilites dont have the ability to check every 5 minutes, and being told im SOL because I didnt get on durting the arbitrary time peoid they are open is wildly unacceptable.

Yeah living flame is unplayable undead rogue in every spot in the game.


Yeah, wouldn’t surprise me. They’re probably seeing a lot of churn in the back end. That’s the only reason I see for them opening up transfers, after Aggrend said:

It’s insane I missed the times yesterday cause of work and I even have a paid transfer I bought one in p2 thinking I was able to transfer and never could


Gonna kill the server and the game at this rate. So so many players have quit due to the inability to do incursion in ashenvale

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It isnt even strictly limmited to that. I play horde on Lone Wolf, wanna farm dungons? Good luck getting in and out, its all alliance all the time. Wanna go do any incursion? Good luck its all alliance running around killing us. Wanna go do some world farming in Plaguelands or anywhere else? Good luck, its all ally running around killing us. Wanna go get songflower? Good luck, its all ally running around killing us.

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Yeah, everyone i play with are now on WG from LW if i cant get to WG i have no reason to play anymore

The Store on the character selection screen. It’s already there. However on Lone Wolf you can’t select a destination realm, I assume that’s because too many alliance left already and we have to wait until more horde do so.

But it was working fine on Living Flame for a friend last night.

i am horde on Lone Wolf and its closed

Just out of curiosity, do ally players on Lone Wolf feel completely overwhelmed by horde?