Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Enforced Faction Balanced PvP Realms

Why don’t you release official numbers? Based on recent raid logs, every PVP server is about 2 to 1 alliance dominant. You may have tried to enforce faction balance, but we don’t have faction balance. There is a difference.

Lots of guild members are trying to get off Lone Wolf and move to Wild Growth, including myself. Why can’t you just communicate when these “small windows” will take place instead of forcing players to gamble on being available to transfer? Makes planning impossible.

if you look at Tom Ellis’s Twitter ( @FwoiblesWoW) he’s saying they don’t want entire guilds to transfer, so i think they’re intentionally being vague about it. Maybe with enough feedback they’d change their mind but we have to understand its complicated because they don’t want entire PvP servers/factions to die


Tom Ellis

It’s meant for individuals who have grown to regret their choice, not so that an organized guild of 500 people can move together. Because we have to thread the needle here with how many transfers we allow so as to not ruin the source realm we can’t just leave these transfers running. This pretty much guarantees guilds would have a bad time trying to move together. Hope that is clearer.

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I went outside today and missed the 30min transfer window.

Also why are updates posted on Twitter instead of the official Blizzard forum? Bizarre.


If you read who I replied to you’d know my comment was about exactly what you are talking about.

I wish they’d tell us when it’ll happen

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PvE servers don’t need side restrictions.

Where’s the twitter post?

Where do you get your data? Because it’s pretty balanced on

ironforge .pro/population/sod/

Isn’t population based off logs? Not everyone raids, so it doesn’t account for that or alts.
The data is sourced from active raiders on WarcraftLogs and active players on the PvP leaderboards. Active means players that appeared in the leaderboards or on WCL in the past 30 days.

Yes, I know what is showing but based on my experience, feels more like actual reality. LOL!

Where are transfers showing up when they open up? On the character screen, realm selection screen, the store?

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Please reconsider and allow us to make these moves to PVE servers before phase 4, I just did not realize how much grieving was going to happen. All the time we’ve put in to professions developing our gear and the PVP rankings. I really would love to be able to keep this work and transfer my toons to a PVE server.


Please let us off Crusader Strike. I wish this had been available when they shut down Chaos Bolt. I’ve rerolled Wild Growth since they closed the Xfer off Crusader Strike to Lava Lash or I would have taken that. Crusader Strike is unplayable.

So, why’s Living Flame allowed to transfer to PvE but not Crusader Strike?


Regardless of what it’s been categorized, Crusader Strike has NEVER been any sort of RP server. Lava Lash likely does not want Crusader Strike players transferring there if they are trying to build an RP community. Allow Crusader Strike → Wild Growth transfers. That’s where people who want off PvP from Crusader Strike belong.

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Is there any kind of communication happening on when the transfers will randomly “open” and “close”. I saw the transfer to lava lash but trying to coordinate with my friend has been brutal to time.

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“These transfer options will be periodically available starting Tuesday and will open and close throughout the rest of this week.”

really? “periodically” so dumb. Why don’t you set a definitive time-frame so that people who work when you have the option available have the opportunity to utilize the transfer -paid or free? Just add another layer and open it for the week! Do you guys actually get paid or are you interns? such a rookie move.


Thank you for making server balance even worse. You state there are things in place to stop this but entire guilds have already left Living flame horde and we were already outnumbered over 3/1 … Maybe instead of doing the same dumb ideas that have killed servers for all of Classic era, do something better to fix it…

-Make incursions fully pve zones or add warmode to it so people have the option to choose to get griefed for 12hrs on end in a pve event by an unbalanced server pop that you guys did nothing to stop at the start of SOD till it was to late to recover…
-Give alliance shamans and horde paladins.