Likes/dislikes about new forums?

List here what you like and/or dislike about the current forums, remember if there is a bug, report it to website bug. Keep conversations civil and troll/spam free.

I dislike the fact that there is now a limit on how many times you can flag/report someone.


I dislike the fact that there’s no ignore list here anymore.


I wish they allowed users to post polls. Maybe that could be permitted at trust level 3 or something?

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I don’t like how there is no more preview of the post before you click it. Maybe the is on desktop but there isn’t on mobile.

Also quoting is dumb and tedeous now.

Replies are a poor substitute for real quotes.

But I really do like the live updates and notifications. Makes arguing with people so much easier!

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Don’t know if you know… but you can just select the text you want to quote and click the small “Quote” window that pops up.

But it’s so much work! Especially on mobile, where I spend 99 percent of my time on the forums. Plus you can’t quote pyramid anymore. Well you can, but it looks messed up.

On desktop there the reply window splits the screen and you see the box you’re typing in and the preview box on the other side updates in real time as you’re typing.

Agreed. Clicking reply should quote the post so people know what you’re replying to, not just who you’re replying to. Because it’s not like lots of people don’t make multiple posts in a thread or anything.

So much this. Love that at the bottom when someone is replying it tells you “X is typing” like it does on discord.


That sounds interesting I’ll have to check it out when I get home.

But what I was actually talking about was on the list of threads. You can see the title of the thread and the OP name but no preveiw of the post anymore.

The modern forum feels like it was inspired by redit or one of the other cancerous social media platforms.

What was ever wrong with actual forum format that we had in vanilla?


I think It’s me , but I feel the new design less responsive and memory consuming…

Oh, well on the desktop if you hover your mouse over the thread it gives a short preview of the OP.

I hope that’s an oversight that they’ll fix. I’m reading a lot of posts from trolls that is just a waste of my time.


Woot! They fixed inactive accounts not being able to reply here. (I don’t have a New Topic idea to test creating one yet.)

i tested it, it works.

We got this update on ignore in Customer Support:


I don’t really like how there’s replies under each post, then the posts are also their own separate posts down further. Just seems kind of…redundant?

That’s a mixed bag. If you’re truly just interested in the replies to that post, it’s great – no having to scroll through the entire thread.

But I like that they’re included in the main thread stream, because then I don’t have to click on every message.

I don’t care for the scrolling, I don’t like that I can’t FIND on the web page to look for something. And you can’t easily just load the entire thread to make it searchable.

And, boy howdy, are there a lot of buttons and stuff on these pages!

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another thing i have mixed feelings about is the required likes to gain trust levels.


Here I go, agreeing with Lagspike.

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A freaking men.
I will repeat once again, this decision must have been made by the same brains that thought Diablo Immortal was a good idea.