Lightninghoof Alliance Reconnections

My Characters were Blakasnight - Gnome Rogue
Later in TBC I played as Tcheus - Draenei Shaman

I was in The Masked Riders / Frozen Wrath for most of my time on Lightninghoof.

Hey all!

Hiroblade - Human Warrior
Oh man, seeing all these names has been quite a trip.
I was in Ordo Draconis, Blood Dawn in Vanilla.
Then House Dragonmoon in TBC.
In wrath I think I was in Symphony of Blades and Unleashed.
Been mostly guildless since then, hopping in and out of WoW to check out the expacs.
Anyway hope you’re all doing well.

Raziel (The Pride) had to change it to Arkaiden
Velcor (The Bretheren)

I think i remember someone Named Mortokis (The Bretheren)
All i have from an Super Old Screenshot run
Karnsiss (Beckon the Call)
Lisabeth (Vengeance and Wrath)
Another Super Old Screenshot
and the guild The Wandering Prophets

Zan long time bud, i was looking for you a few years ago but obviously missed this post.
Still around mainly on oceanic servers atm

My god it really is you ! Do you remember Sheeron? You used to teach me a few tricks for Feral Druid way back when! How you been my good man??

Tatia!! I still have a screenshot with your toon in it that dates from 2005 I beleive!! How are you! I remember being in your guild for some time, Sheeron / Sheeno, my brother was playing along with me back then! Hit me up if you want that screenshot! Glad to see you’re still around :slight_smile:

Zan when if you ever revisit this post add me.


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Playing on Benediction now as Callily. I played on Lightninghoof in Roasted Quail as both Quail(resto druid) and Callily(enhance shaman).

OMG dude, good to hear from you! I need to figure out how to get your bnet to stay in touch :slight_smile:



Hi everyone! My old character was Xecen or Xechan, a Night Elf Warrior. I started playing in late BC. I’m mostly looking for other people in the guild Captains of Chaos.

Hi I am looking for old friends from Lightninghoof server. I dont know what happened but a lot of my old friends were deleted from my battlenet account which caused me to lose old friends. Looking for the following people from Massacre or The Hun WPVP guild!

  • Clint


-Odinn (warrior)

-Maldorf (ret paladin/used to heal)

Anyways reach out if you remember me I used to play on this server as many names, but main name was Craidenz or Raiden - I played arms warrior

Junry from lightninghoof here. There are a lot of people i have not talked to ina. Long time and if you k iw me reach out.
I have been looking for Luisa for a while to bame one person.

Junry aka cynge aka leverage
Discord is Junry. Im on stormrage these days and play retail. Add me on battlenet Lordgunns#1660

I took a 7 year plus break because of some issues but im back palying during winter

Luisa an old friend was in iron tree if she is atound tell her to find junry lordgunns#1660