Lightninghoof Alliance Reconnections

hey long time no see. Enchant here.

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So I went through my EXTREMELY old Photobucket account and managed to pull up a VERY old design sketch I was working on but never finished. I remember doing raids alongside Irontree while I was with Bane. I probably never played alongside any of you for a duration, but I remember I was enjoying the Alliance we had during the time where I wanted to offer my help at the time.

Lilyana! Hey, I remember you! I played as a warrior named Dered in FL.

You called my name, friend? :slight_smile:

Azrok > SteveØ [Human > Draenei > Human Paladin]

I joined only a few weeks before Burning Crusade, nor did I reach 60 before BC. I think my first level 70 took me 8 months. 7 years (or so) Cata is about to launch and I’m pushing alt through 1-80 in ~ 5 days.

A lot more freetime then. I stopped playing after Cata. I was just fed up with a lot of stuff.

Hoping this will be a better CLASSIC experience for me anyways!

Branic > Dwarf Warrior < The Alliance Crusaders>
Kaidas > Human Paladin < The Alliance Crusaders>

Hi, Enchant! Long time indeed. Don’t remember well which guild we met in, but I do remember your name :grin:

While I didn’t start playing until TBC, there are a lot of names and guilds here that I remember fondly from my first few years of playing. When I saw Amaranna, I think I died of nostalgia. I’m so happy to see these names.

I played a NE hunter named Fanalaura and later a NE druid Kamiena. Guild hopped a bit through the xpacs and raided with Symphony of Blades, Phoenix Brotherhood, Roasted Quail, and maybe briefly The Journeymen.

I know this thread is about reconnecting with Classic players, but thank you for giving me the warm fuzzies tonight.

This should be quite the surprise then for you.

Thorim’s been awfully lonely since you guys left.

Played several characters back on Lightninghoof.

Thorim - Dwarf Warrior - Ebony Phoenix, Forbidden Lore, Smash Bunny, Roasted Quail
Edaimbooze - Dwarf Hunter - Ebony Phoenix, Smash Bunny
Gnomerthor - Gnome Mage - Smash Bunny
Shalendria - Dranei Shaman - Smash Bunny
Dahean - NE/Worgen Druid - Smash Bunny

Was on Ebony Phoenix and Forbidden Lore myself, Tauken -> Dwarf Paladin, also was on Smash Bunny and for a little while a Guild Called Northern Bloodline.

Fanalaura… I remember that name from SoB, etc. Its so hard to remember details though. I played a Mage named Strife and later a Druid named Calisto in TBC.

Kamiena from Resurrection?

<- Cattibries and Skurred

I do remember a druid named Calisto! It WAS a long time ago, so I don’t remember many details, but it’s so cool to see names I haven’t seen in so many years!

Yeah, Resurrection later on before moving servers. I remember Cattibries and Skurred. It’s nice to see you’re still playing!

Played Dunllwyn (NE Hunter) and Zynfandelle (NE Shadow Priest) on LH. Ran with Forbidden Crusade and I can’t recalled what we were named before BC… Sacred something or other. All Pally guild until they completed all of the dungeons, then started letting us rabble in.

Came back for the Classic! Gobbulus is always full so I’m on Deviate Delight as a Druid now.

Hi all!

I played Nemra - NE druid. Grommet, not sure if you remember me but we were guildies back before Grove of Assassins merged to form Awakening way back in the early days of the server. It was the Druid/Rogue only guild :smiley:

Looking for anyone that used to be in . I’ve got a few people on Grobbulus as well from Blood Dawn but alliance side. Jedric, Diabalis and Jumpslash are all with me.

Hello Darimm, not sure if you remember ganking my family, me as Coroan, then Colinim, Kruth and Cyntheren back in the day of ganksbrad

Grove of Assassins! That was the name… my first guild ever. Good times. I’ve been trying to recall the name for months!

That’s me Mourdi!