Lightninghoof Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Lightninghoof (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Kilkus, Night Elf Druid - Symphony of Blades
Suge, Dranei Hunter - Symphony of Blades
Egghead, Orc Shaman - Grievous

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Kramerz Human Paladin & Nenzel NE warrior - Irontree (I think?)


Elkiador 30ish Human Paladin
Looking for Onwe and Maehdros, mid 30s NE warrior and hunter i believe?

Me: Moru gnome mage
Guild: Sentinels of the Storm
Looking for:
Eparch, human paladin
Ebu, gnome rogue
Gallek, dwarf warrior
Devaren, human priest

Ayda - Female Human Paladin

I also played Dash, a Gnome Warrior

Looking for a guy and his sister. His name was Tropicano or something similar. He lived in the UAE.

Silverarm - Dwarf Paladin
Wu - Shaman in TBC to Cata

Same character here, just race changed from Dwarf.
I used to be in the guild “The Journeymen” and also played with a couple RL friends in “Awakening” so I randomly did a lot of PvP with that guild.

Later I switched to a Shaman in TBC.

Simos - Night Elf Hunter

Irontree, Serotonin, Cadia

Looking for old members of above guilds.

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Jarhaxle - NE Rogue. Irontree
Gethriah - Draenei shaman in tbc. Serotonin & Cadia

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I played a resto druid named Shiboshi in the guild Dauntless.

Memorable guildmates: gizmo (gnome mage), chapeau (gnome mage), poysen (nelf hunter), chives (dwarf rogue), macefelter (dwarf priest), shadowind (nelf priest).

Oh snap! A fellow SoB right at the top of the thread. :smiley: I didn’t play with you guys until the end of classic but have fond memories raiding ZG and AQ with you all.

Miralupa, Human Priest (Holy) - Symphony of Blades

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Hi Simos! Hoping you remember Espers from Serotonin/Cadia!

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Heck ya! Good to hear from you. I’ve actually been raiding with Cadia on Sargeras the past few tiers. How’s it going?

Is that the same Cadia that used to be on Lightninghoof? Did they pick up and move servers at some point? :rofl:

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Ya, same Cadia, lot of original people still. We moved to Sargeras for BFA as Lightninghoof was basically dead. It was getting impossible to recruit.

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Simos, long time no see, same with you Nenzel aka silentcrime

Cashandra - NE rogue
Anthisper - NE druid both of irontree

Any word on Martin if he will be coming back? Try to get some of the old pvp and pvers back together.

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Hey Kramerz! Good to see you.

This is Tatia from Irontree.

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Tatia, Guild Leader of Irontree, Alliance. Moved to Emerald Dream & became horde. Missing all my Irontree peeps!


Fallross 60 Dwarf Paladin
Was in a lot of guilds: then for the bulk of progression in Vanilla.Later on was in and briefly when I wasnt playing the game as much and came back during BC.

Looking for anyone from those guilds or a dwarf warrior named Sallutation / tauren druid named Roark (or Roarkrama) when he re-rolled to Anetheron and then went to Akama. Was my first friend I made in WoW but lost touch after awhile.