Lightning Shield, what the hell were they thinking?

One requires you to actually play the game, and btw you can trinket out of stuns.

The other is a non gameplay interaction, passive buff, that does absurd damage.

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Well actually you cant play the game, thats what a 15 second stun is. Most of us just die 100-0 without getting to play (unless your lucky enough to have trinket up).

But the post was mostly a joke as both are bad mechanics.

I did some testing duels tonight with a rogue, i let him open on me while i stood still with nothing but OC lightning shield up. In every single duel he was able to 100-0 me in 2-3 global while taking neglible damage. Even when I said alright just stunlock me and use mutilate and do as many hits as possible I was dead before he was at 75%
I have video and I’m going to share it here, unless you’d rather delete your thread and admit your hyperbolic lies.


Just post it

I’d like to give this person the chance to admit their lies and avoid the embarrassment first. But if they don’t, I certainly will share here.

Anyone who’s touched a Shaman knows LS doesn’t do enough damage to kill on its own, I’m just surprised the extent of these exaggerations haven’t toned down since Phase 2 despite DW WoE being deleted from the game.

What did I lose my preferred PvE tank build I had theorycrafted since Ph1 for?


This wouldn’t have happened to me because Coldblood + Combat Potency + Carnage. Dude would’ve died in like 5 seconds.


Season of Discovery?

More like season of getting gaslit by shamans amirite

said the rog that kills everyone within the cheapshot window…

It scales off of spell power. It can do as much as 300 damage per second. Also I play Shaman AND rogue on SoD :slight_smile:

So yes, it very much can. It also blows up feral druids (But everyone blows them up.)

It IS possible to die on LS alone. Not likely, but if they even so much as flame shock or auto attack. You -will- die.

Yes, you can choose to not fight the shaman in a team fight too - but its AoE. So you’re still punished for it anyway.

Sure, you can not fight him - so I guess just… Let him have the base?

LS needs a nerf. WoE never should’ve gotten changed, and a lot of the nerfs shamans did get were just wrong as they started to force people into specific builds/itemization which goes against the whole concept of SoD.


It sounds like your gripe is with the Overcharged rune in particular and its interactions then, I was legit scratching my head here thinking to myself “who the hell even cares about LS? I never even opted to put points into the improved talent prior to the runes forcing me to do so” lmao.

It doesn’t sound like you’re nearly as bothered if the Shaman was running, say Static Shock on his Bracers instead for whatever reason.

Still giving you time to come clean about this lie dude, I’m at work now but if you haven’t by the time I’m home il be posting the video proof of you lying about this whole situation.

Watch out, we got paparazzi over here checkin’ you on your SoD shenanigans. TMZ would be proud.

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Just keeping the hyperbolic lies under check around here dude. Some people have been taking it too far


Admitting that you don’t know how to gear a shaman, are you enhancement? does your shield hit for 180+ damage? were you wearing a shield or speced into any passive defenses?

You could have been standing there naked for all I know, the only class that dies in 2-3 globals are mages, if YOU, as a shaman are dying in two globals, the answer is simple, you are horribly bad and have no idea what you’re doing.

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I thought Overcharge was going to be OP in pvp like the OP is suggesting but in reality its a burst meta and most players are doing way more damage in a few globals than lightning shield. No one is getting killed by an AFK shaman unless you’re AFK autoing them.

Is it OP, yes. Should it be nerfed. Yes. It should have a 2 second CD to coincide with most boss autos.


I don’t think you really understand what makes a Shaman tough in SOD…or what made it tough really.

Way of the Earth was commonly used by both Enhancement and Elemental… it’s strictly used by Elemental and Tank Shaman now since it requires Rockbiter (which was gutted beyond belief) and Way of the Earth requires a shield as well now. Enhancement on the other hand cannot use Way of Earth without severely gimping it’s damage making it substantially more susceptible to melee damage… like as in classic era levels of reduction. I’m assuming your complaining about Elemental Shaman’s in your post, since Enhancement is back to being essentially a free kill of you lock them down but you’ll be punished if you don’t (or you can just pop evasion… that’s the I WIN button against us since it literally stops everything except our Shocks and Searing Totem). Elemental can pump if you let it and Tank Shaman… not really.

Arguably the only damage a tank Shaman can really do now is with… you guessed it Lightning Shield. I’m not saying it’s not overtuned… but as per usual Blizzard way over did nerfs and this is literally all that compensates it. They do need to fix it, it needs to be managed like any other ability and require a recast every 8-10 seconds, but it needs to be very little mana as that’s Tank Shaman’s primary threat now.

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You still have time to delete this.

I have 3k hp unbuffed.
Il be home in a few hrs and il upload the video. You should watch it, maybe you’ll get some tips on how to play your rogue. You’re clearly struggling.
I was also literally standing there without moving as you specified in the OP, you claimed a shaman killed you without doing anything, you just LS’d yourself to death. I have 4 separate duels showing all different rogue attack scenarios with me afk and not a single one had anywhere near what you’re claiming.
Some people get so weird in this community.

I do understand, I’ve already stated the shaman in question was elemental and extremely tanky, my mutilate which can usually crit for over 800 was hitting like a wet noodle, while he was passively doing 180 dps.

The entire point of this thread is to say that it is overtuned, if you can’t say that it’s not overtuned, then why are you here? I don’t care if they buff other things to bring this back into line, but shamans, nor any other class should be doing 180 dps passively to EVERY enemy in melee range. Buff whatever else you need, but don’t you dare say that such a broken ability is in any way justified by your lack of a kit otherwise.


I did say it was overtuned you rascal, you didn’t read my entire post lol.