The title summarizes my opinion. Lightning Lasso is an ability providing unique utility and gameplay, is fun to use, and is powerful enough to not be an ignored talent for players deciding what to select.
I hope it eventually becomes one of three talent choices at the level selection points for picking a talent. Perhaps it can become a mid to high end choice at level 60, 75, 90, or 100.
I would like to see it become a main talent and not just a pvp honor talent choice.
The problem is that it’s really strong. Just like greater pyroblast if you have one skill that’s insanely strong they have to weaken everything else to make it fair for the enemy. So lasso itself would be cool but doing nothing else is lame see destro locks where chaos bolt with all CDs is threatening otherwise they do almost nothing
Yeah, good luck with that. People were asking for ride the lightning to be baseline, and it was nerfed/combined with forked lightning.
Is that the one that stuns and deals a butt load of dmg? Is it for elemental?
Nekum, yes on all accounts. It is a lot of fun to use in pvp.
Yes but it’s a 5 sec cast so a healer can easily heal through it and it breaks on damage … it’s most useful in 1-1
it will be taken away at some point like gust of wind.
How would you balance it for PvE, though? If it became a main talent, that’d need to be addressed. Just a stun? And if so, what row would it be? Wouldn’t it be a default pick and render the other 2 options useless (not that this isn’t sometimes an issue already, I guess, but still)?
I’ll let the professional game designers figure that out. I just like the ability! 
I like that it is a PVP talent. You wouldn’t be able to use it in most PVE content anyways. And it has that risk vs reward aspect by being a PVP talent. The risk is war mode the reward is the talent.
Just for clarification: it is a 5 sec channel not cast.
You should be using it on the healer or have the healer cross cc’d.
It does not break on damage. It does suffer from stun DR; so you should be tracking this DR or using it first.
It can be interrupted.
You can move while channeling.
You can cast while in Ghostwolf; however it now removes ghost wolf.
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Well, I have no interest in armchair quarterbacking my opinion about how it should be implemented in the game knowing developers do not care what I think. Honestly, they shouldn’t care either as I’m only a consumer that knows nothing about designing a game.
Need a new abbreviation, as with LB and LvB.
In a thread about Lighting Lasso being baseline, and the fact that Enh already has Lava Lash, how much more context do you need?
I knew what you were talking about. I was pointing out LL means something else.
Please be sure to share your abbreviation for Lighting Lasso, so the rest of the community can adhere to your personal standards…