"Lightforging = brainwashing" debunked

So its as underwhelming and boring as expected. The Lightforged Draenei are nothing but holier than thou draenei.

That’s the thing this has never happened to any naru lore wise

She is the First corrupt naru in WoW lore (as light mind you not turned void or anything)

every naru has helped / sacrificed (life even) / Healed multitudes of people / races etc. /helped guide people from becoming extinct (draenei) many more Helpful and great things

i just don’t agree with the lore at this point but i am not part or WoW lore team they write what ever they want ./shrug

Perhaps she was/is, but that would only reinforce my theory that Xe’ra was a stand-in for a specific real-life authority figure the writer had a personal grudge against.

Gee gods forbid they make the light interesting…we can’t have that

The sheer thought of the light having it’s interests which do not always align with ours is really upsetting I guess

She’s not corrupt, though. She’s just a jerk individual.
This has always been the case, we didn’t need to see it to know that.

No it wouldn’t. She never ‘became’ that, that’s just how it seemingly always was.

Your conspiracy seems more based in the fact you’re personally invested against these lore aspects.


I never said Xe’ra became anything in that comment. What I actually said was I have the theory the writers were using Xe’ra to work out their own personal issues, using her to represent someone they have a grudge against.

I’m at least as personally invested against those lore aspects as you are personally invested for them.

Besides, this thread isn’t about whether the Light’s moral, immoral, amoral, whatever… this is specifically about Lightforging itself not being brainwashing despite certain people’s head-canon.


So none at all? I’m not the person who has made a thread about it, insulted said writers behind it, and cast malicious asperations as to their motivation.

Which people obviously link together. We can see several people doing this.

Anyway, your criticisms have already been addressed as faulty. But at best the biggest knock against it being brainwashing is lack of evidence.


name 1 naru that forced the light on some one besides her ? … i’ll wait

by Definition she is corrupt XD don’t know how else to say it

i’m cool with new story but it feels like it was forced in for plot purposes

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For what purpose?
Plenty of Naaru forced Light onto demons when they, you know, used it to kill them.

Apparently more than one Naaru is involved with the AU Draenei.

She’s different from some Naaru in the same way people are different from other people. Nothing more or less.

Dumb speculation but I wonder if Lothraxian used himself at bait to put the idea into Xera’s head about converting people (if not just fel-aligned entities) specifically so she’d end up trying it with someone like Illidan who could overpower her.


your grasping straws

to answer is … 0 naru has forced the light to any person who they had a civil discourse with

also the thing with demons … uhhh they been at war since even before azeroth was even made , they kill slaughter races to extinction , destroy worlds

lets not put the term “Forced” with killers plz :slight_smile:

regardless i think at this point we are moving off topic with what the OP was discussing


You claim you’re not invested, but you keep replying to these posts and more, so I think you doth protest too much. It’s also interesting that your public profile is hidden.

btw there’s a difference between a theory/suspicion and an aspersion.

There’s also a difference between a criticism being faulty and a criticism being unpopular, mine’s the latter.

There’s a large degree of difference between responding to posts (of which I do to many) and making several threads about the topic. Like seven about Light stuff.


Not really. You’re casting the aspersion with the theory.

Saying ‘I think they’re doing this to be edgelords and for personal attacks against certain individuals’ is absolutely an attack on their reputation/integrity, intended or not.

I addressed the issue with these criticisms as faulty. I don’t even think many people find them unpopular.

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That’s possible. I wonder as to Lothraxion’s true loyalty - he was notably silent after Illidan killed Xe’ra when every other major NPC had comments. Plus, despite being a Light-infused Dreadlord, he has memories of the past and can disagree with equals (Turalyon) and his superiors (Xe’ra). Here’s a few fan theories/ideas about how that could go.

  • Lothraxion is loyal to the Light, but also accustomed to using aggressive methods due to his time serving Denathrius and his time in the Legion. He gave Xe’ra the idea of getting aggressive - which backfired when Illidan killed her.
  • As you said, he gave Xe’ra the idea hoping that she’d get killed doing it, so “Mission Accomplished”, Illidan did Lothraxion’s dirty work.
  • If you want to go really far (the least likely of the three, and something my detractors may cite against me), maybe Lothraxion encouraged Xe’ra to get aggressive to turn people against the naaru and/or the Light, and her getting killed by Illidan was an unexpected bonus for Lothraxion.
    ** On that note, Lothraxion might hold a grudge against the Light for the Ember Ward in Revendreth (conveniently forgetting that the Nathrezim provoked the Light to do that).

Xe’ra was a millennia old naaru who spent much of her existence fighting against the Burning Legion, there was good reason for the heavy-handed approach against them. Maybe Xe’ra turned aggressive after eons of war hardened her. Maybe Xe’ra was influenced by Lothraxion. Maybe Xe’ra was always an overbearing hard-liner.

But given Xe’ra’s ability to see people’s thoughts and feelings, and her subordinates ability to disagree with or question her, it proves my point about Lightforging and I’m interested to see what Lothraxion’s situation is.

Pardon the wall of text lol, your comment was interesting.

Lightforging is brainwashing DEBUNKED with FACTS and LOGIC!!!1

Despite the fact that no actual evidence was presented.

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It’ll be easier to test the brainwashing theory when they’re Lightbinding races with more brain to wash. The orc & ogre “Magic” Rock connoisseurs of Draenor are hardly the best test subjects.

Finally, someone who uses parsing to analyze an argument rather than quote-mine.

The Light and people connected to it are a significant part of the setting. Since I’ve made more posts on other subjects, maybe seven isn’t an excessive amount.

I pointed out how your public profile is hidden because you claim not to care, but you keep replying and your profile being hidden conveniently hides evidence that could confirm or refute your claim.

There’s a fine line between expressing an opinion or theory and making an accusation, so it’s easy to mistake the former for the latter.

There are characteristics of people who are brainwashed, including not questioning or making critical inquires of superiors, reduced independent thought and lack of self-esteem. No one in the Army of the Light has displayed these qualities - in fact, they show the opposite, and are even able to question or critique superiors up to Xe’ra herself, ergo, their characterization is evidence against Lightforging itself being brainwashing (or that they’re even brainwashed).

I don’t think I’ve ever made seven topics on any single subject. So is still seems like quite a bit to me.

This could be said of literally any conversation I’m involved in.
‘You’re talking to me and I don’t know if you have a ton of topics about this.’
You’re grasping at straws.

You haven’t explained in what way your theory isn’t casting aspersion.

You saying ‘I think they’re doing this to be edgelords and for personal attacks against certain individuals’ is an attack on their reputation/integrity.

It is a negative thing to have those aspects attacked to one’s reputation. So again, how are you not casting an aspersion?

Sure, though at the end of the day, they go along with rather extreme actions. They let Alleria get imprisoned. They watch as Illidan is almost converted. Then one attacks in what was clearly an instance of self-defense.

Obviously it isn’t by any means confirmed that lightforging is brainwashing. That’s a good point. Just that the OP ones mostly don’t follow through with it.

Fair, it could be said seven threads on one subject is a bit much, I did try to mix it up by being about specific characters or the power itself.

I raised the question of your activity on this site because you contradicted yourself, claiming you’re not invested on the topic while simultaneously giving lengthy replies or analyses on it.

Is having a theory casting an aspersion. There’s a difference between sharing an opinion or view and saying its objective fact, don’t you see that?

The Army of the Light do go along with almost extreme actions, look at it from their perspective (wall of text coming);

The Lightforged Draenei of the Army of the Light have been waging war against the Burning Legion for eons; they’ve seen entire races/species driven to extinction by demonic blades or fire, worlds reduced to shriveled, burning husks, friends and family die horribly in this war. What effect would that have on them?

They have Xe’ra, their founder and the one who gave them this power, fighting alongside them (say what you will about Xe’ra, she didn’t ask of the Army of the Light anything she wouldn’t do herself). They can rescue the survivors of the Legion’s rampage OR push back against it.

Thousands of years later, Alleria is on their ship, the Xenedar, so it’s logical there’s some obligation on Alleria to follow their rules to a point. Alleria says she wont’ use the Void - the Light’s sworn enemy, then she does, either lying or breaking a promise to Xe’ra. While imprisonment seems disproportionate, there was a grievance to be addressed, and given their regard for Xe’ra there’s valid reasons to comply with her command for Alleria’s arrest.

Illidan attacking Xe’ra was about as self-defense as a junkie attacking their friends staging an intervention for them - they want to use the drugs but their friends physically restrain them… so the junkie breaks their friends necks, that’s how I viewed the cinematic. Some, like yourself, see a person resisting brainwashing. Some, including myself, see a junkie who’d rather murder than give up their addiction.

Back to the Lightforged Draenei, they have millennia fighting demons and seeing the worst of what fel energy can do. They see the vaunted chosen one looks demonic himself and using the same power they’ve fought for millennia and seen the worst of what it can do. Illidan is given the offer of having it removed and Illidan, who’s already one step away from being a member of the Burning Legion himself - who admitted the only difference between him + the Illidari and them is their goals… who’ve already had members join (Cyana Nightglaive and briefly Illidan himself), refuses. We don’t know that the Lightforged Draenei knew about Illidan before he came face-to-face (so to speak) with Xe’ra. How should that go down?