"Lightforging = brainwashing" debunked

Man screw Illidan for being an incel with a god complex but that reading of that cinematic is seriously messed up.


Not really contradictory. My responses haven’t been very lengthy. And the degree of investment between a handful of replies and seven threads (with more replies than my own and longer replies) isn’t near the same investment.

Again, you are reaching trying to deflect your own investment by insisting I must be invested. Just isn’t the case.

If the theory involves attacking the reputation/integrity? Yes.

Which this theory does by calling them edgelords trying to use the story as a proxy for attacking others.

I accept there’s a difference, I don’t see how it makes what you’ve said as not casting aspersions.

Again, casting an asperion is attacking someone’s reputation and integrity.

How is spreading a theory/opinion you believe that they’re doing this ‘as edgelords’ and ‘using characters as proxies for authority figures in their lives’ not doing that?

I don’t really understand the point of the last fiver paragraphs. Doesn’t really get at anything I was discussing.

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But the fact remains, @Irenaus@, that you still took the time to seek out my threads and respond. I never denied I was invested, I’m arguing against your claim that you aren’t.

A theory is not an aspersion if its the sharing of an opinion or subjective taste rather than a statement of objective fact. If a theory can be an aspersion, then I see your point (yet that doesn’t make my theory wrong, though).

The last five paragraphs were elaborating on the lore to explain that the Lightforged Draenei had good non-brainwashing reasons to not be against Xe’ra’s treatment of Alleria and Illidan, regardless of whether that treatment was the right thing to do or not (depending on the metric for morality, I’ve seen too many people attribute morality or immorality to WoW characters based on whether or not they like them).

I didn’t seek out your thread, I just saw it.

The argument that ‘you’re invested in anything you reply to’ is absurd on it’s face.

Just to be clear, you didn’t just say ‘you have any investment in the topic’ you’re trying to claim I’m EQUALLY invested against for them as you are against. I’ve already said, I’m not for or against this.

That doesn’t make it not an aspersion, no. An opinion doesn’t make it not an attack on reputation or integrity.

Whether or not this is your opinion, it is still attacking their character and integrity by claiming you think they’ve operating on ulterior/sinister motives.

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Not sure Illidan had a god complex, but he’s definitely an incel. I find Blizzard’s new “Light bad” direction as messed up as you find my stance on that cinematic; it’s like if the lore suddenly said the Burning Legion are the good guys so our PCs had to free Sargeras, rally the demons we didn’t kill and help them destroy the universe.

Besides, “my reading” of the cinematic fits the lore. Remember when Illidan made the second Well of Eternity right after the Sundering, and Jarod Shadowsong and co. found him on Mount Hyjal? Illidan made the excuse that they needed it if the demons returned (despite that same magic being what drew the demons in the first place), but the other Night Elves saw Illidan was a junkie trying to keep his fix, so they tried to arrest him… resulting in Illidan killing several and badly wounding Jarod; a big part of why Illidan was imprisoned (there’s a reason the Night Elves called him “The Betrayer”). Illidan did to Xe’ra what he did to those other Night Elves and tried to do to Jarod, and Xe’ra was in a similar position to Jarod except she died.

Then maybe it is an aspersion, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

No… your reading of the cinematic is clearly the wrong reading giving that the music choices of the cinematic clearly stablish Illidan in the right and the light folks in the wrong.

And trust me, I believe it’d be for the overall good of the universe if Illidan were dead, but that doesn’t mean he should be forced lightforged or what have you.

Right… because soundtracks are never used to trick an audience, and the writers’ ideas of morality are completely infallible and they definitely never retcon major parts of the lore lol

Even if Illidan shouldn’t be force lightforged, Xe’ra didn’t deserve to die for it either, despite what some fans (and the edgelords among them) say. But Blizz wanted to have their cake and eat it too; kill of MU Xe’ra and very likely make the AU one a villain (they’re really desperate for this “Light bad” story arc).

Besides, what would’ve changed about Illidan if he’d been lightforged? There’d be green instead of gold, he might shear off his horns ala Hellboy and he’d use the Light instead of fel. Then Xe’ra would make him the tip of the spear against the Burning Legion… something he’d be more than happy to do given he was already doing that.

What are you even on dude


Deus Vult type. Nuff said :wolf:


Maye she meant “defund” I could get into the “Defund the Lightbound” movement. :slight_smile:

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Sounds sad

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I mean, it’s correct that Lightforging isn’t brainwashing, but what she was trying to do wasn’t Lightforging, it was Lightbinding. There’s a difference, and that difference is likely why the Lighforged draenei weren’t exactly all that broken up when he destroyed her. What she was doing went against the entire cornerstone of what we’re told and shown Lightforging is all about.

It kind of is. :wolf:

So you’re the ‘“no one tells me what to do” edgelord type, nuff said’, Micah? I hope not. A little less personal attacks, a little more logical arguments, please. Personal attacks don’t help anyone - just deflate egos or make the attacker look bad, and you’re not presenting any counterarguments.

Not to defend the worgen but, weren’t you the one attacking the writers earlier?

Personal attacks have a place, and he’s free to do so, just as I’m free to respond. Plus I provided actual counter arguments, he’s just making personal attacks.

Oh no you didn’t…

Let me show you your heresy.
Edit: And why it’s terrible.


Alfabusa is a treasure!



He really is. :laughing: