
So I have unlocked all allied races today except lightforged draenei. I start the quest on SW and it says to go use stromwind embassy beacon which on my map says it’s right outside where we get the quest. Problem is the beacon isn’t there. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve abandoned the quest and restarted it still no good. It’s the last race I need to unlock and it’s getting frustrating. Any tips is appreciated thanks for your time.

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Turalyon creates the portal, so when you start the quest wait for him to walk outside & follow him.

I have waited like 30 min waited, he never even shows up after talking to the allied quest giver the panda in SW

I have this issue too. Tried in multiple toons. Tried different timelines. Have had a ticket open.


Ty for the reply at least I’m not alone. If blizzard answers you let me know what they say.

Welp, GM told me I’m doing something wrong. However, I openned a bug report before I openned the ticket and there’s other people having the same problem. I noticed that right when you accept the quest, the beacon shows up for about 3 seconds behind the embassy (permanent location after unlocking the lightforged) before disappearing. I’m assuming it’s supposed to then show up in front of the embassy, but that part seems to be broken. I reoppened the ticket… We’ll see.

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Was hoping someone else posted this issue. I’m with you - the portal never appears. According to the in-game quest tracker, it should be in the same place it shows on wowhead and it’s simply not there.

Yep I put in a ticket I was just simply told sorry can’t help you put in a bug report