Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

If they add another lightbulb race, I’m race changing to Horde. So tacky.

Blizzard has always ran fast and loose with lore. It’s frustrating but sometimes it works out. We’ll have to see if Blizzard drops the ball or not.


Can’t things change? Just because something was “impossible” in past lore, does that mean it can never be?


Spirits of the dead. Not resurrected corpses.


So more like ring wraiths rather than zombies? I can dig it.

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Un- means was or not
They are lightforged who arent dead anymore.

Undead means not dead. Its implied to mean was dead.
Its wordplay.


So everytime an alliance priest reses an ally. they get the following options:
You want to res this ally as:

  • Former self with no alteration.
  • As Lightforged Undead. (This can’t be reveresed).
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No we can change things, but it should be consistent with the old lore. There should be a reason it’s different now. Whether that’s because we didn’t understand the interaction, or because something has actually changed.

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I’m not wild about the whole holy zombie idea. I’ll be very curious to see the reaction if they end up becoming an allied race as rumored.

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I have been told that life magic and death magic are not at all opposite and incompatible. That is why I want to be a Lifeforged Forsaken. Some may say that is just a normal human, but I counter it is a Living Undead thus eating other people is still allowed.

I’m wondering if the Naaru being involved had anything to do with it. Have we heard of any other character being resurrected by one?

This is unsettling lmao.

That’s false.

Life and Death are polar opposites. The Light and Death are not polar opposites, however.

You know, I’m not sure. There was Bridenbrad, but he was moved directly to the after life instead of tortured with undeath. He wasn’t resurrected. The N’aaru don’t seem to interfere like that too often.

I’ll take a peek around and see if I can find something, though.

All the cosmic forces are corruptive.

Light is no different.

Life/Nature can be corrupted by the Void, or Fel, heck even the Arcane or Light.

So seeing that Death can be corrupted by the Light shouldn’t be a surprise.

Death & Light are not polar cosmic opposites. It’s not like Void & Light where when they touch they explode.

It seems to be the rule that where you have polar cosmic opposites, they can’t mix… a thing is either Void or Light, you can’t combine, its either alive or dead/undead, it’s either chaos or order under Fel or Arcane. But when you are dealing with non-polar opposites, those other forces can corrupt.

So, you would expect that you’d see Demons of the Fel domain being corrupted by Void magics (which we have seen), or Titans able to be corrupted by the Void (which is a major driving part of the plot), and even the Living able to be corrupted by Arcane, Fel, Light, or Void.

So, undead corrupted by the Light?

I don’t see how that falls outside how we see the cosmic domains operating.


Not sure why people keep calling her a lightforged undead. She is simply an undead that was raised by the light rather than necromancy, unless I’m missing something that specifically said she was a lightforged undead. I see nothing wrong with undead raised by the light and it’s really not a new concept, as someone who as loved undead ever since I got into D&D over 30 years ago, I love the idea. I really hope these new light undead are an allied race because Calia looks amazing.

Well OP, Death isnt opposite of Light, that would be Life.

Light and shadow are two sides of the same coin, neither is inherently good or evil- they are the starting point for all existence. Using Nature magic to bring the dead back to life would indeed be odd lore, but using the Light to bring back the dead is not inherently improbable. Lore wise it makes sense, but I will admit its odd we havent seen a light based undead until Anduin, Alonsus, and Saara in Before the Storm did it.

Not in wow lore… Undeath is a completely separate thing from life

It’s in the chronicles alignment chart

Additionally, we’ve seen before that the Light can get over zealous, for all we know, Calia didn’t get the option to stay dead or not. Forsaken still get this option, apparently, maybe, idk it’s been muddied a bit.

What they’re saying is that Light != Life. Life is Deaths polar opposite, Light is not.

The point is, you cannot create Undeath with Light based on established Warcraft lore even recently released int he chronicles alignment charts.

only dark, necromantic death magics can create undeath in Warcraft lore

But it did happen. So, I guess you can.


Obviously not because there is one now. Until now, it was thought only necromantic magic could do it.

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