Lightforged Draenei Vs. normal Draenei

Hello guys! I am a returning player to wow and was making a new character to start out with and I really like the draenei so decided to shoot for the LightForged eventually. I so far have started as a dwarf to work my way to unlocking LF but am tempted to switch over and make a normal Draenei instead, but dont want to run into the scenario where after I do unlock LF its just a recycled version of the normal storyline and I have to repeat it, so to all my LF peeps out there, does the story you go through change up when you play allied races or are you just repeating vanilla starting at 20?

Both are terrible.


Or perhaps if you are not a fan of draenei, do any of the allied races have a diffrent story line? If so feel free to say your favorite as I am still choosing between horde and alliance and that might help :slight_smile:


Wow, what a constructive answer. That deserves a gold star!

OP, once you unlock an allied race and create one, they start at level 20. Then, you have to level them through the same zones as are available to you for all of the base races.

So… yeah, it’ll be like leveling another character, but starting at 20. All of the unique storyline stuff they get is given to you through the unlocking process.


There is no story line other than the unlock quest. You basically start your toon and they say “we are lightforged” and you leave with a tabard. Oh and you can’t play shaman either for your efforts. To answer your other question every allied race is like this and frankly it’s a let down


Dang that is disappointing :expressionless:

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Cosign Fury’s post.

Plus the regular dranei racial (the stats bonus boost to dps, not even considering the heal) is one of the best in game, usually top 4 for any spec, while the lightforged one, whatever it does, I don’t even know, sims as one of the worst.


at lest we look good :rofl:


I play the Light Forged Draenei pally and I have regular draenei shaman alt, and I can tell you, though we look about the same, we are not. It really feels different when I play LF and none LF draenei, the difference is enough to set them apart.
As for the grinding needed to unlock the Light Forged? Was it worth it? Yes, it was for me and I am glad I did that. Argus Rep grind is so easy now with 2 x Rep Reward and with 120 char, it will be so easy. Just move from WQ to WQ bypassing the mobs and soloing elite WQs like a piece of cake. Once you start doing the Argus WQ, it should take about 10 days of doing the dailies there. Once you arrive at Dalaran Legion at LvL 100, you get the Dalaran Hearthstone and there is a portal to Argus in Dalaran, so anytime you wanna do the WQs in Argus or any of the Legion area, you just use the Dalaran hearthstone. (You will need to be LvL 110 to start Argus.)

Light Forged male Draenei sounds very much like a Russian where as regular Draenei sound like a Homer Simpson sometimes by the way.
We are very different.


Draenei are the reason a party becomes good and people show up, Light Forged Draenei have the added benefit of bringing glitter to the party.


LightForged Draenais are like walking chandeliers. They bring so much light to the party. You know how dark the dungeons can get sometimes, right? Sometimes their light is not as bright as they should be. They just forgot to change the battery the night before, I am guessing.

Its a boost to 1 primary stat, not directly dps. It more or less benefits tanks and healers, but don’t discount the LFD’s AoE racial CD. It packs a punch the more mobs it hits making either a warrior or Paladin the ultimate melee machine. On death racial is also interesting and could potentially be used to cheese mechanics in a raid environment

Lightforged = w/a nod towards dps specs
Draenei = w/a nod towards tanks and healers.

The difference is fairly negligible and either race isn’t going to make or break any class/spec. Both require extra buttons to press, one to do widespread damage, the other to heal up to 20%. More passive racials are both negligible and one is extremely situational.

I am impressed by LFD’s +20% xp vs. demons. That, combined with 30% warmode bonus, full looms, and rest xp should make leveling a breeze. LFD will hit 120 sooner than Draenei except for Monk. Draenei Monk will definitely level the fastest

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No. Also, the only difference between Draenei and LFD is customization and the racial. LFD have tattoos and something you can put on their heads.

Both are lovely, though I do find I prefer baseline Draenei myself. I’ve always loved their blue and violet aesthetic and while Lightforged would essentially be paragons amongst Draenei society, baseline Draenei just feel more multifaceted while Lightforged akin to Void Elves can really only have one kind of look and have fairly limited customization options.

So in short Lightforged have a great look and feel, but you’re essentially locked into a certain aesthetic while baseline Draenei are much more well rounded.


If your goal is to unlock allied races as fast as possible I would make a human. Their diplomatic racial helps out a lot.


We transmog gorgeous…is there any other reason? You also have a better class selection with the old school Waggles.:smile:

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Spacecow vs spacecow with light.

better go with the AS SEEN ON TV option.

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Story remains the same.

I like lightforged better, the tattoos the beards the horns. All way better. The racials are…meh, but I like the aesthetic.

The allied race are fun to level, plus you skip the 1-20 nightmare.

In general Nightborne and Maghar (and soon Zandalari) are my favorite allied races. Fun racials, fun classes, cool lore, and (other than nightborne) good customization.

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I enjoy Draenei lore and I’m very tempted to play one… but I struggle with the animations :confused: