Lightforged Draenei shouldn't have been a thing

The Blood Elves are filthy Sin’dorei.

The Quel’dorei are Silver Covenant and those under Alleria, as well as a few remaining lodges.

No self-respecting Alliance player wants to be a disgusting Blood Elf. They want to be the loyal, and perfected High Elves of the Alliance.

Doormats, you mean.
Even as an Alliance player, I can see the “High Elves” for what they ended up being.


Sounds like you’re in the wrong faction with the mindset. Alliance are for winners; you belong with the Horde - the losers who have lost every war since Warcraft 1.

Hardly, Alliance is about justice and fairness, as far as I am concerned. And there is no circling around it, the High Elves right now are licking the boots of the faction that ultimatively tried to kill their people off, and not even while their people were at the strongest, no, the Alliance waited till their people was at their weakest.

It is what it is.

They in fact, preferred licking the Alliance boots so clean, that they totally forgot returning to Quel’thalas to help shortly after the scourge’s invasion.


I see. You are naive is all.

You do know that the Orcs that tried to kill all High Elves in Warcraft II are a part of the Horde, right?

The Alliance High Elves also weren’t there when a rogue Lordaeron Commander did what he did - They were in Kalimdor saving Azeroth. Matter of note on that - all his followers were killed and raised as Forsaken whom are a part of the Horde.

Whose the bootlicker again? The Blood Elves.

The Horde is perfect for someone like you.

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I am well aware. But what the Alliance did just put the Alliance and Horde on a 1 - 1 scale. The big mistake the Alliance made, is that they put themselves on equal footing with the Horde, while the High Elves were incredibly weakened and needed help NOW. Amani trolls reemerged to attack the Elves, and the scourge remnants were still going around slapping elves left and right. Sunwell is destroyed and the High Elves’ magical addiction was gnawing at them all.

Alliance choice: "Lololo, let us go send spies and an entire invasion force rather than help.

Horde choice: “We will give you military aid so that you can hold off these forces, no worries.”

I was not speaking of Garithos. Neither did the Blood Elves make a decision based on his actions. What ultimatively caused the flip was what the Alliance did in the Blood Elf starting zones in The Burning Crusade.

It did help that the forsaken leader ended up being Sylvanas Windrunner.

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A fallen Lordaeron made that mistake - not the Alliance that is playable. That Lordaeron is the Forsaken.

The Alliance didn’t send spies. The Night Elves sent spies on their own as they had no idea what had happened to their kin. Varian, when he returned, reached out to them multiple times even after the Blood Elves perfected the bomb that was used on Theramore.

No, that was just poor writing. The Blood Elves had no reason to trust the Horde at all which is made up of characters of said races that tried to wipe them out via Orcs and the Forsaken. Especially when their High Elven kin were in the new Alliance (lead by Stormwind) already.

The Alliance also had Vereesa Windrunner - who is alive and isn’t the leader of the faction that tried to kill all Blood Elves.

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Ironforge Dwarves and NIght Elves working together is a rather odd alliance if it happened outside of Alliance control.

He sure did.
And then he did not manage to put a muzzle on Jaina or Vereesa.

Right… Vereesa have been written to be an absolute lunatic. She have some insane levels of hallucinations, delusions and have extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Just look at how she speaks about Blood Elves from comic to game, then from game to comic. At one moment she isn’t angry, and is quite sad for the Blood Elves, the other she is extremely angry and compared Blood Elves to filthy rats, then she once again feels sorry for them, is sad for them, then she is mad angry again and tries to kill them all off, then she goes back to feeling sorry and hoping they’ll redeem themselves and rejoin the Alliance.

She is a lunatic of the highest degree, not to mention her delusions about Blood ELves having to redeem themselves… not sure how whatever writer who wrote that comic came up with that, when it was the Alliance who stepped on the Blood Elves and FORCED them into the Horde to begin with.

The Blood Elves needed help immediately during The Burning Crusade, the Alliance sent spies and an army of Night elves to invade. The Forsaken sent aid. The Blood Elves were in a desperate position, they would obviously take any help they could get.

It is important to remember, by the way, that the Alliance creating their own enemies have been a token trait of them since Warcraft.

Darkspear trolls.
Blood Elves.
Zandalari trolls.

They all joined the Horde because of Alliance shenanigans.


The problem, is as much as I hate to say it, here is the thing…

Female draenei, female blood elves and other elves and so on are ‘hot’, broken draenei are not, they are ugly.

Nobody likes to play ugly races.

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People do play orcs, tauren, trolls, goblins, undead, gnomes, dwarves, male draenei, male humans and pandaren, do they not?


It should have been Light Forged Elves and Void Draenei. It would have scratched players High Elf and Eredar itch’s, while also letting Blizz do their monkey paw shenanigans.


The forums blow up with complaints whenever Blizzard releases something broken, so they released a fixed version.


Yeah no fam.

I love both but i’m glad we have LF Draenei.

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Lightforged were a colossal disappointment.

That said, Broken would have been a lateral move, not an improvement.


Unless you count Horde Drac’thyr having access to the human female visage now.


Well in allied race we have the word “allied”. Who were our old allied before BfA?


  • Dark Iron Dwarves
  • Wildhammer Dwarves
  • Broken
  • Jinyu
  • High Elves
  • Furbolgs
  • Frost Dwarves


  • Taunka
  • Forest Trolls
  • Mok’nathal
  • Dragonmaw Orcs
  • Mag’har Orcs (Outland)
  • Hozen
  • Ogres

Alliance only got one ally as playable race and two allied races for the forth war.

Horde didn’t got ally for the forth war. I don’t cound the Mag’har Orcs from WoD, yes they are Mag’har but come from Draenor (WoD) and not from our Outland. Garrosh was a Mag’har from Outland and Aggra too. No need to do another travel time go get Mag’har when we already have them in our timeline.

We should have gotten a lot more races allied to the faction during BfA. It’s a missed opportunity for some races.

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Yes, I suppose from a scaly person all those races must have a hideous appearance.

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Excuse me? Do you see how ****able my character is?

Most AR’s are.

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LFD are the only draenei I actually play. And by play I mean have a couple paladins, if I wanted to complain about the race it would be that it makes a perfect paladin but feels weird as anything else.

Besides the obvious heritage there’s even a blacksmithing racial if people didn’t need any more clues. Makes less sense as other classes than dracthyr would, if you ask me.

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