Lightforged Draenei shouldn't have been a thing

The majority of the Allied Races should’ve just been customization options on the core races. Vulpera are the only ones that were an entirely new race. An argument could be made for Kul Tiran and Zandalari since they use different models than Humans and regular Trolls (at least the male Zandalari do).

LFD = Draenei, extra Light.
HMT = Tauren, but moose
DID = Dwarves on fire
Mechagnomes = Gnomes but with robot arms and legs
Mag’har = brown Orcs… that’s it
Void Elves = grape flavored Blood Elves for the Alliance
Nightborne = Night Elves who can’t be druids for the Horde

Allied Races were a gimmick to keep players logged in and grinding rep… which is being removed next patch anyway.