Lightbound Undead was actually a cool idea

I want Lightbound Murlocs before anything else!



Lore dictates light harms undead. (look at what happened to a certain DK who tried to take a certain paladins body)

Light shouldnt be lore wise able to raise an undead as the light would purify it…not revive it.

Its just more lore retcon by the blizz.


No. No we do not.

I personally think it’s a horrid concept akin to Mag’har orcs being on the Alliance.


It’s also available via WoWWiki ( It looks like it may no longer be canon ( I’ve played for an awfully long time - I sometimes lose track of what is updated and what isn’t updated haha.

At the time, it was considered official!

It’s hard to find extant and comprehensive records for a lot of this stuff. I have a striking feeling Caydiem, who loved lore at the time, could have discussed the very topic of NE Mages, but… The trackers I’ve found aren’t great.

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This was retconned back in Cata - all the Light does to Undead is cause a painful sensation as well as restores senses to their bodies so that they are painfully aware of their own decay.

I’d imagine a Lightbound Undead are either in endless agony, or that little tidbit doesn’t apply to them because they were reanimated differently.

Though…I long for simpler times where Light (Positive) energy hurt the dead but healed the living and Shadow (Negative) energy did the opposite.


I disagree with you personally. In my opinion, Lightforged undead are a terrible idea. It turns into a “You’re evil if you don’t go through this process.” Or “why be regular undead when you can be better”. LF Draeni are living and so they’re not considered “corrupted” to begin with where as the stereotype is: If you’re dead, your damned.

Now, there’s things that would make me ok with the idea, I guess.

  1. Establishing that you don’t become some perfect little angel upon becoming Lightforged. Blizzard did a good job of showing that the light has its dangers too. If LFU have the “holier than thou” attitude, big no.
  2. Perhaps make it a ritual like night warrior. They then wouldn’t be on Alliance, and of course give them lore drawbacks. I don’t think LFU are a good allied race anyway personally. The origin would indeed be a ritual taking place current content. Whereas void elves branched off a good long time ago, there’s nothing background wise to make these any different.
  3. Making it just another form of resurrection. Nothing special or amazing, just the result of something else bringing you to life. Imo at that point you’re just living though so I don’t know why you’d be “undead”. Maybe because it’d been too long Or something.

That aside, and again, this is a personal opinion and I speak for no one but myself. There’s many other undead races I’d love to see rather than them. Obviously San’layn are at the top of my list. Technically these could be counterparts to one another, but again it’s imperative that we’re not just slammed with the “evil” bat once again with the Alliance being perfect without the ability to do wrong.

Other ideas I’d personally rather see:

  1. Playable giests
  2. Valkyr(this would be a tough one as there’s no males).
  3. Nerubian
  4. Undead Vry’kul

So yeah. Just my thoughts.


I think it’s definitely an awesome idea but I’ll be honest, I just want an awesome allied race on alliance that can be a Paladin. Lightforged Draenei are still just Draenei with extra cosmetics, same with dark iron. Would like something new similar to KT, Void elf, Zandalari, highborne, etc. Three of those are reskins but still new to each side, models players didn’t originally have access to on horde or alliance.

Lightforged undead would be cool though and all of the lore were getting makes sense for it to happen. Undead meeting with human families, calia being raised as a lightforged undead herself and the alliance being fine with it, etc. I just hope they get more unique features that can differentiate them a bit.

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No they haven’t.


It’s really amusing how people jump right to “confirmed!” With no model info at all. Then some bottom of the barrel lore. I have no idea where they’re getting this but it certainly just causes me to shake my head.


Please Blizzard, add Lightforged Undead for the Alliance and give undead human models to the Horde (Derek and Nathanos’ models).

This is the first Allied race I’m truly excited about and I can’t wait to race change my main and incorporate it into her story!

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Lightbound Undead is literally carbon copies of Undead, where’s the blurred faction line now?

At least, it’s going to be one less excuse against High Elves. :+1:

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To clarify, the RPG is not considered canon, it is standalone.

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Wow, this is ridiculous. Might as well allow any race to just choose their faction at level 10. What bland boring game you guys would create with no faction identity or flavor. Might as well go play a goofy game like Fortnite.

This is like crap fanfic being pushed into the actual game…


Wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard took an April Fool’s joke and made it a reality…

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Or let them decline to choose.

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Yes. I addressed it in another post. It was canon when I first started playing! I did eventually manage to find information to make sure I wasn’t crazy! I didn’t remember it had been retconned. The story really has changed so much since so long ago I sometimes get things a little … jumbled.

That ship sailed with the Nightborne and Void Elves.

Horde are being REALLY immature. You’re acting like the addition of LF undead will bar anyone from rolling a Forsaken. They are clearly two different groups and it doesn’t take anything away from the Horde. It’s like you’re holding your own toy, and then you have a temper tantrum when your mother gives your sister the same toy that’s a different color.

I’m sorry you can’t have your cake and eat it too!

NO :clap: MORE :clap: UNDEAD :clap:

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Admittedly what is canon and what is not canon seems to change whenever they feel it works towards what they want.

Its usually bad but as long as Med’an is forever gone ill live with it.

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The best site to use is Wowpedia. They stay up to date with the Chronicles and how stuff has changed over time. :slightly_smiling_face:

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