Something something Calia. Something something undead paladin.
Could this be their time?
Something something Calia. Something something undead paladin.
Could this be their time?
Doesn’t look like a player model to me, I’m guessing that’s a mob.
Are we sure it’s not dandruff?
Yet this opens the door for undead paladins. All they need to do is make something up of how they need to add these mobs to their ranks cause they were mistreated by the Arathi/Scarlet Crusade.
Another option for undead models/Paladins
I mean we have no idea if the yellow stuff is even light. Or that these are sane creatures, if we’re killing them because they’ve been driven mad by the light or something it wouldn’t exactly bode any better for undead pally’s than current lore
Edit- also not clear if these are undead in the first place, or some other emaciated creature using the undead skeleton a la the blood elf mana addicts
Light undead with some type of glowy powder of holy ash?
If playable, if nobody names their lightbound Undead Paladin Napsalm, the world has lost all hope and needs a hard reset.
Wonder if they’ll drop jerky.
You can find undead paladins in icecrown, there’s a quest to kill some. Really the only surprising thing is it hasn’t happened sooner.
Something something, who said Calia would appear in TWW?
If anything, she’d likely turn up in Midnight, along with her Forsaken Paladins!
It doesn’t really open the door for undead paladins if they are just akin to feral ghouls who lost their minds to the light. Do we know anything about them besides their looks?
Data mining is not word from Blizzard. Wowhead has datamined stuff that wasn’t even used until the next expansion, or not at all.
If it’s even a player model (could be NPC-only) then maybe it opens the door PC undead paladins (my word what an abomination!).
Calia’s an undead priest, right? Where was she ever called Paladin in the game? Or did this happen is some out-of-game book I was supposed to purchase and read to know the lore?
I dunno, seems like grasping at straws, but maybe I missed some bit of lore that was in-game that would even hint at an undead paladin being a “thing” in-game at some point.
I feel that this WARTHIN undead is something the Arathor human made and a link to Calia!
punts the goblin out the thread
DO you think the arathor humans from the WARTHIN zone will be important too???
i may actually play undead if its paladin
Wowhead making a mountain out of an ant hill again. I guess they (and Tal) got mad they were wrong about Lightforged Undead back in Legion.
me too, playing light undead paladin in WARTHIN would be amazing!!!
Looks, sounds and feels like Fig Newton knock offs honestly. Something youre dared to eat after taking a big’ol swig of Grape flavored MD20/20 on an empty stomach.
This goblin is delusional! keeps using acronyms that don’t exist. quick someone punt him for me to set it straight
Maybe Calia will make them join the Forsaken and be aviable as a costumization I mean the model looks cool to me more “fleshy” and less starving slim kul´tiran