Light Undead in war within

No chance those will be playable.

1/2 of those look ugly as sin! The Body type 2 model looks like it just had the bust added onto BDT1.

That’s because it is; Blizzard didn’t even bother with a female model.

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That sounds awful and amazing at the same time.

I’m just happy to be able to finally be a Pandaren DK and I want to play as one in ReMoP.

Trying to decide if that model would make Wario sounds or Waluigi sounds.

Paladins are not one of my favourite classes but I would play an undead Paladin just for the absurdity of it.

W…where are their noses?

Undead paladins makes as much sense as frozen fire.

I’m waiting for someone to make a thread about the chad kobolds. Also, the pic looks a lot like the nightfallen after they’ve complete wasted away. Definitely the same rig.