So with new customization around the corner, I wanted to make a what if post on light-forged allied race customization if allied races get customization updates. So here goes!
So many of the original races will get customization updates and the biggest thing they discussed is tech on being able to customize all the way down to eye color. Pretty cool. Dwarves will get wildhammer skin, humans and blood elves will get more skin variants and such, so I had a thought; For light-forged why not add additional races in the mix as they’re customization. They are supposed to be the army of the light after all, and will probrobly need new recruits after this war, and the light does not discriminate. As long as they are willing to embrace the light and be reborn as an soldier of the light they can join.
So here is my thoughts on how to do it. To keep the light-forged customization from infringing on other races, there should be some limits and unique things for them;
They must have the light-forging tattoos on they’re body’s including on they’re face to appear they are light-forged, and in addition to that, they must have yellow glow eyes.
They do not get all the hair options of the races that is added, and some might get unique ones to compensate.
Some races might need skin color restrictions, but not all needs it.
So what races should be in the army? Here is what I think should be in there;
Humans that wants to follow in Turalyons foot steps.
Dwarves cause they are close allies of Humans and heard they make good brew in the army.
The odd Gnome that wants to research in what the light can do, and possible uses in mechinations.
Some Undead joins to follow in calia’s foot steps (when she takes lead of the forsaken) or as a way to rejoin with they’re families in the alliance. This is more of a stretch and shouldn’t have customizations that normal Undeads have such as some jaw malfunctions and bones showing since the light-forging will probrobly restore most of they’re body’s (They can be role-played as skinny humans for some people) They will also need other skin tones to relect this.
Another stretch and this one will be heated; High elves, as a compromise of them not being playable, lore can state that these ones does not want to commit to the void to aid the alliance in the war effort, but the light instead, in return I suggest that the horde get’s dark rangers with customization of all three elf races in it (night elf, blood elf, and nightborne) To seperate the high elves faction of this, I suggest tattoos, maybe other skin tones as well. (debatable)
What do you guys think? Is there a race that you think should be added to the Army of the light? if so, why? And remember, Light forged is an allied race to alliance.
Also no new classes should be added, to reflect on the views of those that fights for the light.