LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

That’s because day of the dead can be easily translated into WoW. A day where people celebrate the dead, in a world where death is common. It makes perfect sense.



Except it’s literally based of the mexican holiday with the same name? celebrated on the same day? and the characters are literally wearing sombreros?

and you mean to tell me it’s ridiculous that a LGBT pride event can’t also exist despite all that?
let’s not forget that valentine’s day is an event as well.



Good way to get wow banned in like a dozen or so countries atleast so doubt they will go beyond the implied lightly couples npcs. Also stop with the spam this is the stuff that makes people resentful, honestly like a witness knocking at your door trying give you pamplets.


Good points Talonel. It’s time to stop the obvious homophobia on these forums. People… it’s 2021. Start treating everyone with respect. LGBT+ rights are very important and should be more represented in this community!


and what would my agenda be then? since you seem to know more than me I want you to tell me what it is.

No for the same reason we don’t need a gay history month event showcasing significant LGBT people like leonardo davinci.
that’s history and on a different timeline.
what we do need however is more PoC representation, and we are off to a good start honestly with the new leveling island featuring PoC characters.

That’s my birthday so I’ll just pretend its for that.

We would celebrate your birthday with you if no one came

Can we invite deer girl?


Only if we get to watch her eat grass…

What happened to him anyway?

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“The Concept of Normal is a myth, created to control the masses. We are all HUMAN, we all bleed RED, and we live on the same EARTH. We need to learn to share it. It doesn’t belong to just one of us. It belongs to ALL of us. We need to learn to accept diversity as common. We need to accept that BEING DIFFERENT IS THE REAL NORMAL.”



The deer she identifies with has antlers, so…it’s just so confusing.

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Only Tuln could revive a 3 month old thread about LGBTQ

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Sings the troll song nice and loud.

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It’s funny reading through this post I didn’t expect it to get these kind of responses. I don’t have an opinion just was seeing everyone else’s was.

Month might be a little long, a week or weekend sounds better.

But I know that you’re being disingenuous with this thread. Maybe if you didn’t burn people, your threads would’ve been taken as more than just a mockery.

It’s not a month, in the title I advocate for a micro holiday. Just like a mini march in empty cities to give them some life.

OP does not deserve the type of hatred the community gives him. I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of these replies are from extreme alt-righters. Blizzard is becoming more progressive and it’s only a matter of time before lgbt community gets much needed representation. I’d happily participate in such events and encourage blizzard to do so as well.


Fair enough, I think a week would be the best fitting, as you brought up Darkmoon, which also lasts a week.

Good luck :smiley:


Thank you!

What’s sad is you’re in the minority with your kind of posts. If people don’t like the post they don’t need to come back again and again trying to stir things up.

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