LGBTQ+ Pride Month - In Game Activities Suggestions

If you just stop responding, it goes away. All of you. I gave you this solution 50 posts ago. Just. Stop. Biting.

The problem is people won’t stop.

Why did you respond again?! STOP.

Kettle, meet Pot. And that makes me Pan.

My suggestion would be to have nothing about this in the game, or anyone else’s sexuality, because it has nothing to do with video games. Leave it out.


LOL :joy:

I’m gay, and I do not want this. I despise Pride with all its rainbows and 90% naked men running around in underwear. It’s a horrible reflection of the gay community and makes things worse for us.
True pride means being a regular person who just happens to be attracted to the same gender. We don’t have to be loud of different or special. We just need to be allowed to be ourselves.


Just a heads up. You being gay lends no credence to your opinion on this topic!

Well that thumbnails gonna haunt me o,O

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I’m just gonna heart u every time I see you now brother

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Because if you posted there you might not get the personal attention you crave.


Oh and that’s all I’ll be giving you here. Muted kthxbye.


Just an FYI for people who want to ignore certain trolls:

  1. Click on your profile icon
  2. Click on the person icon on the right side
  3. Click on preferences
  4. Click on Users under Notification
  5. Add the users you want to ignore and never see another post from again

That will take care of troll posts from people who make new threads due to the inactivity of previous threads.


If their profile is hidden, quote them, copy their name-realm name.

Go to your profile properties, users, and add their names manually.


This is a great idea OP!

You should list off some of your ideas to help blizzard make this a reality!

It’s clear you want to do more for this community than backseat gaming, so please take the reins and help bring this stuff together!

Hey look! He made an alt!


Someone else already took the reins sorry.

Thank you. So sick of these stupid posts.

Or, just click their avatar, select ‘View Activity’, then in the upper right corner, click ‘Normal’, then either mute or ignore them.

If they’ve hidden their forum profile, then yeah, do it your way.

Yeah - hence the “certain” trolls :wink: