I just like indulging in a bit of black comedy like that. Its a treat for me lol. I have my own limits of course. I’m not trying to be all “Pfft I’m soooo not phased by this gore you guys ooo I’m so cool”
Heck I’m quite a chicken when it comes to certain things. I got so scared during one section of Outlast 2 I had to take a break. You throw me in a game where scary things are chasing you in a school setting and I apparently turn into a big ol sobby baby. ( The music for said chase did NOT help lol ) I just brought up Outlast because that series had me laughing and going “OKAY I GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS. LETS GOOOOOOO” with the Whistleblower DLC. Keeping some details vague because it ain’t forum friendly.
i have somnophobia so im afraid of going to sleep. mostly cuz of weird nightmares or sleep paralysis, though i don’t get sleep paralysis much thes days anymore
but today i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. i thought my body ached before, but feels like my kneecaps and back were thrown into a wood chipper. Yowza!
I totally lost track of time and got surprised with new Helluva Boss lol.
Least now the next episodes can probably be focused on other plots. The last two were about Stolas and Blitzo and while I adore these disaster demons to itty bitty pieces. I’d imagine the rest of the episodes might focus more on the other characters at least until the finale.
Least Blitzo is slooooooooooowly realizing some things. And Stolas got to have a lil dance with someone. That was cute.
God they both need work lol. But that’s why I like this show. Actually grey “neither are in the right / wrong really” characters. They’re both just a mess but thats the fun part.
With that name you could play into it and go with the basic warrior, or really any “brainless”/physical classes, or irony, modern version, and do the mage, hunter, rogue concept to show how little their brains being rotten has slowed them down…
More importantly though go with the concept that you find engaging.