LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Luckily i fed 'im to the birds. :rofl:

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Tbh, idk either, i just assume given she’s taking a rather liberal position given she’s helping Joe Biden, that she is fine with LGBT+. All i know is she just write too many songs about going on dates.

Either way, better then the T-Squad here. Well, was the T-squad, now it’s just one guy i think. Maybe their mega fan. Their lapdog and pet cat is nowhere to be seen oddly enough.


People talk about the Superbowl but I’ll be honest MJ 1993 Superbowl is top.

It still blows my mind how absolutely super star he was.

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One a better note, my druid just got his yellow rune bear… I’m so happy :slight_smile:


Yay! :smiley:

That’s awesome


It’s one of those days I’m just ready to go home because work is slow nothing to do. XP

That and hungry because I never eat at work.


I had such a good post on historic homosexuality and transgender groups typed up and then they locked the thread! Waaugh.

Anyway. Congrats on the bear! I got my felbear from the mage tower and rerolled my druid to level with the new form so I’ve got a little bit until I can get my Emerald Dream skin!


There are, but I really can’t say where to do it as it involves some shady stuff.

I mean… could go the old school route and open OBS and record it that way.

Won’t be good quality but I guess it works?

Thank you.
I have seen it being used by others but honestly had no idea how to get.
Went and did the Superbloom saw a peice of gear that was a upgrade pop up,went to putnit on amd saw the mark of thing in my bag and went to barber and saw which one it was.

Made my morning.

The one Prince did was my fav


If only prince let weird Al make just one parody song. Just one.

Also will have to see that one, I don’t remember it.

Still respect for Al since he at least asks permission before working on parodies.


The thing I’ve just learned that blows my mind is that apparently that and all the massive half time shows at the super bowl came about because the year before In Living Color did a live special during halftime that drew enough people in that next year they shelled out for Micheal

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Ayukama has smacked me with a frying pan! i shall now commence the revenge here!

/touches everything with chili powdered prints while leaving some chili fries for everyone else

:hot_pepper: :fries:


Wait a minute, are you saying your chili fries were this all along:

and not:


no i just stuck my hands in the seasoning before i came in here



takes hawkens spray bottle

You got chili dust in my fur!

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and you cant hurt me with said spicy dust, cause i hurt my own eyes with it!