LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Ah shoot. Don’t got that. lol

I think they have only that option to help save data if not connected via the WiFi, but yeah, sadly, I have no other solution.

Yup and already muted them



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I have no opinions at the moment on you being here or not. Its just the topic and you know it

You showed up just to stir trouble and that’s why I called you out for it. If you wanna just chill then fine. Whatever.


It keeps showing notifications in here yet I don’t see anything new in here. I think notifications are doing that weird slow thing again.


They are being slow for me too so it’s not just you.

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Honestly, who cares about them. All you’re doing is adversitising them for attention. None of us here even care about them to where most of us probably have them on ignore.


Mine seem to be fine at least so far but I’ve only made one post so far and had it liked so I don’t know like know.

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Ah got you both. Yeah it’s about half an hour behind.

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Yeah mine is fine, I seen your like and comment instantly so whatever it is isn’t happening to me ATM, hopefully for those it is happening to including you it’s resolved soon though because that sounds super annoying.

Mine are two hours behind


Oh god.

They never do and make the rest of us look bad when we’re not

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Youtube-DL-Gui. Got it from Github.

T-Squad encouraging further division against LGBT+ people only gives the interest to avoid associating with people like that.

Even the LGBT+ allies/friends here know this isn’t somebody to be associated with.


t = taylor swift?

Nah, Taylor swift fans are actually LGBT+ friendly.

I’m talking about a different T-Squad that isn’t but likes to pretend they are. And they are on this thread. And repersent everything wrong with extremism.


Ain’t that the truth… Every time he shows up it ends up being constant drama and just keeps spamming it back to back.

So I figured I’d derail it to talk about pizza horror pics and now it’s unagi ramen.


God I wish I weren’t on keto to loose weight… I want a ramen bowl and sushi so dog gone bad!


oh. i c.

yeah idk about taylor. she q baits to much.