LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I was using your spray bottle to get it out of my fur lol

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/smears more on

Nooo this stains fur!

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Made a nelf lock to get the heritage armor

Look the only dang way I was gonna be able to tolerate playing a nelf would be a lock

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lol fair yeah I have some night elves and every time I try to play them itā€™s justā€¦ idk

I love the female longbow combat animations on nelves


ah heck theres probably stuff related to nelves in dragonflight i can unlock. welp. guess thisā€™ll be my alliance dragonflight toon

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Did you get the blue/white coloration of the heritage armor?

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Guess Iā€™m gonna lol. Just made this toon

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Look what you didā€¦ im red now from chili powder!

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Hands you a bottle of Burtā€™s Bees shampoo


/gives Fuzzbutt a moonwell bath

There you go, all nice and clean from the chili powder.


/looks at moonwell
oh boy, now we can make a giant soup!


I just want to say im sorry for what i did. It was wrong of me. I was wrong about this ayukama person she seems nice person. different person from when i was last around her.I was just wanted to alert thread of personā€™s return. I sorry I read room wrong. I go now goodbye.


Fell off my front porch again and bounced off one flight of stairs, yup, I broke something. Home from the hospital now. Getting old sucks.


Yikes, Iā€™m sorry to hear that are you doing okay?


I have had balance issues for years now due to losing a toe. I got stupid and didnā€™t think about my stance and not hold on to a railing. They prescribed some good stuff for me to dull the pain.

So I am on my laptop, leg elevated, a bit loopy due to the meds. Enjoying a bowl of homemade miso ramen with dumplings.


/gives hugs

I hope that you do recover and do heal.


I see, well Iā€™m glad you are at least back at home and eating because those are positives.

I also hope you feel better sooner rather than later because that sounds awful in many ways.


Thanks! Iā€™m also considering on hanging up on this expansion for a while. I really havenā€™t touched the game for a couple of months. All my friends have left me behind and I really donā€™t wanna play catch up. Might start fresh next expansion or when ever the mood sets me.

So cheers, and Iā€™ll see you guys at some point.