LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

You will find that video games are quite popular with the LGBTQ+ community.

Sadly there are many video games that still reinforce traditional gender stereotypes, depicting women as submissive, or as prizes to be won, this is also why it’s important we have queer representation,

That is all.

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Yoooo Poison is my favorite so far. The Carmilla/Vaggie duet was also glorious but Poison is just such a bop. But yeah, it’s also pretty brutal.

It’s funny, I turned to my roommate when Loser, Baby started and I was like “… I did not know Keith David could sing.”

To be fair I said the same thing about Stephanie Beatriz. I only knew her from Brooklyn Nine-Nine!


Yeah the Carmilla / Vaggie song was the one I was kinda meh about. Don’t get me wrong. It sounded AMAZING like dang those girls can sing.

We JUST get introduced to Carmilla tho and so her dramatic song didn’t really work for me.

You can tell Vivzie was practically all starry eyed having Dr Facilier in the cast

( I can’t add to my post because of the video link so part 2 of my comment )

Granted I would be stimming SO FREAKING HARD if I got to do something with Keith David. He’s freaking Goliath

Tooooooootally get that. No build up with her and her daughters at all except for that brief Odette pop-up with Sir Pentious. Especially since killing an angel is supposed to be this insane thing that she did for them, you’d expect like… at least a scene? But musically, dope song.

I’ve never actually seen The Princess and The Frog. I know, I KNOW.

HE WAS GOLIATH? Mind. BLOWN. I didn’t pay attention to that stuff at all when I was that young and I literally never made the connection. Holy beans. The last thing I “saw” him in was as Dr. Tenma in Pluto, which was one of my favorite manga of all time, so when I heard him in Hazbin I absolutely geeked out.

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He was also Spawn. And Saints Row

Did like that he played himself there, that and the They Live bit they threw in

Yeah he went from a original character to just Keith David lol.

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That was the same one I think where one of the voice options was just Nolan North

Yeah I checked out after Saints Row 3. I like the 2nd game the most. Its silly but not TOO silly like the later games.

What can I say, I am a fan of silly

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Oh fair. 2 was just that happy spot for me where it was juuuuuust goofy enough but still kinda grounded.

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I’ve never been able to play that one due to not having the patience to try and get the PC version to work after I got into the series with 3.

Ah I played console so I didn’t deal with that.

Its a pity the series kinda crashed and burned. I still hold a soft spot for 1 and 2 tho.

Those 2 games was me basically making a cool male version of me or at least a guy I wanted to be. This was back when I was DEEP in the closet. My new name, Cale, is actually what I ended up naming my Saints Row character / oc. So once I started coming out of my Egg, I figured “Eh, that’s a nice name. Lets go with that.” Its also a reference to the LFG webcomic because I was a big fan of it back in the day. The elf main character has a similar name.

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yeah, lotta mess with something being connected to cpu clock speed so something makes it unplayable without some really involved patching at least the last I saw. Unless GoG has done their magic there.

Definitely gets you associating the name with badassery or such

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Yeah I kinda forgot “Kale” was a thing so I just decided “nah I’m sticking with it”

mama didn’t raise no quitter lol

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Okay for the other Hazbin Hotel fans. I can’t share a video because of the lyrics but man. “Stayed Gone” just makes me think of either other warlocks or “champion” characters learning that Rosenivy has returned after his absence during the Post Shadowlands time skip.

Just that “Ah crap The Netherlords back” energy instead of Alastor’s Radio Demon title.

Oh nice I found a clip of what I’m talking about without the swear at the end lol

Hello anyone still around?


I couldn’t make another post cuz I posted too many times one after the other lol. So we good now