LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Unfortunately, I don’t but I don’t play classic really. Can’t get into it since I’ve been there done that.

Hey guys,

What’s your take on enablers?

Too common do I notice people who consider themselves “allies” that continue friendships/acquaintanceships with other people who hold extremely oppressive beliefs. (Outside of family members)

Care to elaborate a little?

I dont know if that’s really enabling per say.

I think as long as they’re not encouraging those people to push their beliefs or letting them press them on people, or push back on them if that person brings those beliefs up… it’s really their dynamic to navigate. Consider that not all allies are confident enough to speak up against their friends. As long as they don’t take those beliefs upon themselves.

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Today I feel like this all day. Lol

Though I keep remembering I have a birthday in 17 days… 37 I don’t want to get closer to 40. XD

Love that dudes work.

And I got the bday jitters too which is rare since I usually feel meh about my bday. Mines in 8 days.

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Ah just a day shy of being Aquarius too? Capricorn?

I was supposed to be born in March but I’m an early baby xD. January babies unite! My cousin was born a day before me :3

And yes. I’d just found JameLee a bit ago and I’m now addicted to his stuff xD. It’s got such a vibe to it!

I’m a Capricorn yeah. I was meant to be born later. But instead I was born 3 months early. Yeah I was a lil runt lol

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Haha we both preamies too, was almost three for too, about late march early April. So wild ^^

Ugh stupid phone

Yeah. Shout out to the nurses that help take care of us runts XD

Seriously its hard work. Even if I was a sleepy bubble baby for a bit until I gained a lil weight. I was 3 pounds. Then 2. Then back up to 3 or 4. I forget which exact weight I had to be before the hospital was cool with me leaving.

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I need to check my baby book my parent wrote down the weight. I had a pic of my feet at birth, but yeah incubator with jaundice weak lungs for a month or so. I can imagine I was a lot of work on the nurses but thankful to them even though I never met them.

Yeah Mom did the baby foot print thing and she later used it for a tattoo. I think they had to make the foot prints a smidge bigger or the tattoo would have just been black mush


That is a fire idea.

: o

Have you watched Hazbin Hotel yet

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I have and I love it. I didn’t wanna bump up the thread myself just to talk about it tho. Feels rude when I do that as a big post count person.

But yeah I love it. I think there was only one song I wasn’t quite vibing with but the rest were great.

Sir Pentious is a bean and I am so glad he’s an actual character instead of just a planned one and done for the pilot.

Oh man the songs were all bangers! It was all so good. Such a good show and my only complaint is that the first season is only going to be eight episodes.

I need more

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Well a season 2 has been confirmed and Viv has stated she would like 3 seasons. I kinda hope the other seasons are a bit more chonky with episodes. I think Amazon just told them the season has to be a small sorta bundle kinda as a test. Then they saw how popular it was when they were working on it. So they gave the green light for a 2nd season.

Its kinda sad some shows rush a teensy bit because they have no idea if they’re even gonna get a next season or not. So I’d imagine the other seasons are gonna have a bit more wiggle room pacing wise.

“Loser, baby” I think is my fav just because its a actually comforting song. ( Also cmon Keith David. )

“Poison” Is great too. I avoided listening to it until episode 4. OOOO BOY did it hit different hearing the first time in the episode. ( Amazon really needs to add a trigger warning tho. I know that’s not Vivs fault )

The whole “Yes…Valentino…” scene was so well done with both voice actors.

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Hmm? Why is what necessary?

Do you mean anything Rosenivy was saying? Or do you mean this thread in general?

If the latter, this thread is necessary, because although we’ve made a lot of progress in society for LGBTQ+ rights, many of us, including myself, still have a lot of growing up to do in terms of respecting people’s pronouns (how they like to be addressed),

I’m straight but I can support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, and it’s necessary, this is important we all play a part in this, as we need to reduce sexual harassment in workplaces, anything that helps increase the visibility of LGBT people helps reduce stereotypes and ignorance,

Funny thing is when gay marriage became legal, people went all Chicken Little saying the whole sky would fall on everyone, that it would ruin the world as we know it, but none of that ever happened, in reality I’ve actually dated more people of the opposite sex than a gay person I know, who has settled down and married much faster,

Problem is ever since gay marriage became legal in just about every Western country I can name, the tendency is for me to think that LGBTQ+ people have won their rights and that’s the end of it, but that’s not the end of it, facts are there’s still too much discrimination and stigmatization that can lead to higher rates of distress for LGBTQ+ people,

We need to respect people of all genders, and orientations, the fact is future generations will include people in the LGBTQ community, we don’t need children to grow up thinking being gay is not okay as that will be damaging to their mental health, we need to make sure that people feel respected, so that’s why we need threads like this,

Okay well sorry to preach. I actually considered going into a gay bar while in the city the other night, but I was a little scared to, I didn’t want to intrude…

lol, they’re literally just people. I have never met a gay or lesbian person who didn’t have “straight” friends.

Next time you feel like you might want to check a place like that out, just do it. You’ll probably end up making some friends.



:fist_right: :fist_left:
