LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Whenever they play that card, I just want to say “oh; so you admit that you quit learning as a tween. What a waste of neuroplasticity. How sad for you.”


See if they could at least say that I would understand SOME of that because man. US schools freaking suck.

“Yeah lets just make school not fun. Do nothing to stop bullying.”
5 minutes later: WHY ARENT THE KIDS INTERESTED!!??!?!

Gee. I wonder why.

Sorry. Got a teensy bit of trust issues with teachers and it flares up on occasion.


Actually hold on lemme add to that

K-2nd grade? Actual angels for teachers.
That one 7th grade math teacher that knew I was being severely bullied? They let me go to the nurses office where I would just skip the class to avoid it because a lot of my bullies were in that room. She was cool so long as I did okay on my tests.

The rest? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


The new, and frankly insane, argument is: “Science follows money and ideology.”

So we can’t trust scientists because they’ve all been paid off by those evil leftists. Which leaves… I don’t know? Whatever Breitbart has to say?

I had a little mini sad breakdown on one of the other dumpster fire threads a couple weeks ago when I was talking about how sex is a bimodal distribution as opposed to a binary. I provided sources and like five different people were straight up like “Nah, that isn’t real. Not real scientists.”

I haven’t even touched the gender issue. I think watching people blatantly deny thousands of years of recorded history across all spectrums of society might send me into a spiral I’ll never recover from.

I was just like ??? How are you even supposed to talk to people like that? It wasn’t like this a decade ago. You used to be able to at least debate the “facts over feelings” side with actual facts, but now they’ve twisted into something totally different.

They still say “facts over feelings” but deny actual facts? Because of… what? Their feelings that it’s wrong? Whatever current talking head they’re parroting has to say? It’s confusing and scary.


Feel bad for Grokio Communities mistakenly getting associated with X/Elon from this stuff but it is funny the AI isn’t doing what he wants.


Oh oops they’re not? Okay that’s on me

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Chatting with a friend as they play the new pokemon DLC. They got all hyped about Trapinch being there because they like the line.

I had a shiny one so I gave it to them. That always feels good.


Because he peench.

I can’t help it. Helping with Pokemon is kinda just my friendship / love language. Special friendship discount and all that.

I’m still just sitting here vibrating with impatience though waiting for them to play the whole dlc because they’re going in kinda blind I think with what Pokemon is showing up. I’m just eager to geek out. I ain’t gonna ruin anything for them unless they ask

So although I’m really out of the cute fighting monsters loop (no Switch)? I kinda love Applin and its evolutions, just for the potential atrocious “there’s a wyrm in my apple” puns alone.

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Those are the best ones though!

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Or how the final evo for Dipplin calls the wyrms “Syrpents”

That’s adorable.

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I almost wanted to get the new pokemon game now that the DLC is out and you can just goof about as a pokeman

Buuuut, Aggron not available

Dead game

I wish I could have my shiny Tyrantrum just so I could walk around as it.

Poor fellas just chilling in Galar still. I like to think its just wandering in some new territory it established. All of Galar is its kingdom.

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Just noticed this NPC at the Azure Archives and her name uses the typically male naming convention for blue dragons. I looked her up and seems she’s been around for awhile. Is this possibly another trans woman dragon like Chromie? And why do they like being gnomes? lol


Gnomes look cute i suppose?

But possibly. Be interesting if so :slight_smile:


Imagine someone coming to punt you and then turning into a dragon and breathing fire on them.


throws flag

“Roughing the kicker, receiving team.”

(heh, football joke that actually works sorta)

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Laughs in Undead

Ngl I would pay a few gold for a ticket to see this in game.

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Anyone know of any LGBTQ guilds on SoD, or Wrath Classic x-x?