LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Some interesting (read: horrifying) takes on the forum today.

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If it’s in reference to the one thread yeah that was uh… well it was something.

Yeah. “Science isn’t real” and “cisgender is a slur” were uh… really something.


Among other things but anyway.

Gonna work on santa claus hats here in a few :smiley:

Ol’ Musky and his twitter simps are on the wow forums now?

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It just really gets to me sometimes. Before I came back to WoW I mostly spent my time in online spaces that were a lot less… “that” and my family and IRL friends are all on the more progressive side.

It’s legitimately upsetting to me to see how prevalent arguments like that are. It’s almost frightening how impossible it is to see eye to eye with people like that because “objective reality” is apparently two different things. You think, when you’re in these “safe” spaces and around “safe” people, that it’s all just, common sense, right? And then you come out here and people will say “blue? that’s not blue. blue isn’t a real color. it’s actually orange.”

It’s deeply naive of me, obviously, but division is not something that sits comfortably with me. It hurts my soul to see how convoluted and twisted things have become for a lot of people. “The inclusive side is actually bigots”. It feels like what started out as a dividing line in the sand has cracked into a yawning chasm. Like society isn’t really getting better, it’s just fanning more flames.

Sorry for venting, I just… ugh. It sucks. It hurts to see.

And dogpiling into yet another dumpster fire of a thread.


I understand /hugs


thnx u :sob::sob::sob:


Chuds of a feather flock together


Yw :smiley:


Still cracks me up the dumb AI Musk wanted to make “went woke” and even brought up that Musk was lying


wait what? XD I didn’t hear about this.

I don’t follow all that all that often, but that sounds interesting.

Here I’ll fetch something that shows it brb

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Anyway music break

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The simps certainly are. They’re difficult to avoid, unfortunately.

Hoist by his own. I love this for that petulant trust-fund baby.

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"Has Grok been captured by woke programmers?

I am extremely concerned here. :hushed:"

One of my all time favorite tweets.


It gave me quite a giggle fit

Reminds me of people that go ‘read a biology book’ then switch to “NOT A MODERN ONE”


“Science,” to them, only refers to whatever data and/or hypotheses that they can cherry-pick to serve their foregone conclusions.


Or the “AHEM. This middle school biology book says this so yall dumb” thing. Which is silly because middle school books keep it simpler. You know. For kids in middle school. The higher the class / school, the more complex stuff gets.

Kinda like how when I was a little kid. I knew if a teacher asked me “if you had 3 apples and I take away 5 of them. How many do you have?” I would get the answer wrong if I said negative 2. They’d say “No you have no apples”

Which is also stupid because you can just say “Oh you know your math. You’re gonna have fun in higher grades but for now this is how it goes okay?”