LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Ah man, that’s some mood whiplash! A cute story and then terrible news!

I hope you recover quickly, Storm!


Oof im so sorry! :frowning:

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May the fingers recover well, and become stronger than before.

Also, apologies for not being around as much. Had things going on for the past couple weeks in my personal life, and taking out the related frustrations required a… specific style of virtualized explosions.


I think I’m at around 95 percent recovered. Still got the occasional cough. Least my sense of taste is moooooooooostly back. That’s like 85 percent back.

Covids just making me wanna quote Jackass. “That was fun. Lets never do that again.”


Snowed today and sidewalks weren’t done

So I slipped and twisted my ankle walking back from the grocery store and had to get a taxi

Feel free to enjoy my suffering


Oh no! D:

Ironically, make sure to put some ice on it to help reduce the swelling. Get better soon! /hug


If it has to do with your post about relationships, you have my sincere sympathies.

I mean, you have them regardless, but that specific thing extra sucks.

I’ll pass on that. I really hope you feel better soon!

:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: I finally caved and made a prot paladin. They’re one of my favorite classes (again, I really like tanking) but I generally can’t stand human models. If the rumors are true and the Tyr’s Guard stuff is really leading to paladins for all races I’m race changing him to an elf in a heartbeat.


Forgot to update

Doggo is fine. Just a weird few days then she was back to her ol self


That’s good that the doggo is back to herself


Happy Winter Veil!!!

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One weirdly nice thing with covid was my brain was too distracted by it to remember “Oh right I have chronic pain that is on the level of bone cancer”

Now that its gone, ( still got an annoying cough but its not infectious or anything ) my pain just about hit me like a truck

T_T this sucks


I got nothing fancy really for words for this. I just love this dudes work.

Fox getting more mad that his geekout trying to explain bug testing a beta lead to him aiding Falco in insulting him. Brought me right back to dealing with my cousin lol

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I’m dog sitting the father in law’s doggo since he is in the hospital and I made his pup, Tiffany, a little dog Christmas jacket.


FINALLY got a shiny Snivy. I have no idea what build I wanna make it but dangit its so cute. leetle smug baby


Oh for the love of… great, apparently I’m a bigot now.

Eh. Rhea got strangely mad at me and snapped at me a few days ago. I get it.

Some folks on the forums claimed I was ableist as well. News to me.

Who? o_O I forget who that is.

Waiting for the year to end… 2023 sucked for me, Heart Attack, broken fingers, toe amputated…

I’m a semi-walking disaster.

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Someone in the other lgbt wow discord.

Oh I see. Got ya.