LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Oh I’m absolutely stealing that, that’s gold.

Ah, Disco Elysium. My favorite game that I suck at.

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Learning to deal with failures is at least a nice experience from disco elysium. Since you can absolutely stumble your way thru the game and somehow still make it

Edit: Kim is actually a great morale boost too

RPGs like that are my absolute kryptonite. If I back myself into a corner where I’ll fail a check, it upsets me so much I’ll reroll my entire character and replay the whole game with the goal to pass that one check.

And then I’ll hit another wall, and so on down into eternity. I haven’t beaten either of The Pillars of Eternity games because I keep restarting. It’s maddening. It upsets me so much that FROMsoft games are relaxing after playing one. :sob:

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Fair. If I ever start Baldurs Gate 3, I’m probably gonna be like that lol. But given how much I played Dragon Age Origins, that game will have a lot to chew on.

I’m kinda waiting for when I’m done with this covid nonsense and we’re all moved into the new place.


My roommate has been playing BG3 since launch and she’s only just now gotten to the end of it. Granted, she made most of her D&D characters, so she’s got like 7 playthroughs, but still. There’s a lot of game there.

DA:O was a good game. I have the most hours in Inquisition, but DA:O did mages better. I always end up going Arcane Warrior in Inquisition way earlier than Origins.

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Mages were so boring in combat tho for me in the first game. I was Mage for Origins, Warrior for Hawke, and a Rogue for Inquisition.

I liked 'em, but I’m biased. Mages and necromancers and warlocks are my favorite classes in anything, ever. I’ll always play casters over any other class.

Worst day of my life was when I was nine years old and my mom told me I couldn’t actually grow up to be a wizard. :sob:

True. They just didn’t get the cool staff fighting animations until 2.

Then again my Mage was a Blood Mage / Arcane Warrior / Battle Mage hybrid. I was just decked out in the strongest armor and smacking things with a giant sword as a Mage. It was great lol

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The build diversity in those games is excellent, but it always plays into my weakness- I don’t like hybrid classes. One of the first “mmos” I played before I got into WoW when I was a wee lad was the first Guild Wars, and I totally screwed myself out of a lot of potential power because I refused to engage with the dual spec mechanic.

Instead of an Elementalist/Mesmer or Mesmer/Elementalist I made a pure Elementalist and a pure Mesmer as two different characters. :rofl:

I’m very picky about strange things. It’s my curse.

Meanwhile I was just “ha ha. Templar Reaver go brrr” in Dragon Age 2 lol

Nasty combo that one

Lmao my brain would scream at me if I tried! :rofl:

My brain is my worst enemy. :pensive:

I struggle with naming characters. Thats what my brain gets hung up on so I get ya

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This guy is named after (and largely is) one of my very first RP characters back when I was doing longform on MSN Groups and Gaia back when the url was gogaia. com, and my mage Vaiien is the same name I’ve used for my mages in MMOs since Vanilla.

Single player games are easy: I name everyone Vile.

Literally all my other MMO names I’ve stolen from arguably the darkest book series of all time. :grimacing::grin:

I used to look up differnt things for names in other laguages.

For a long time I used a combination of names derved from Norse or Gaelic words and such.

Other times like this one popped into my head.

I used to do something like that with Pokemon. I’d look up the german names to see if they sounded cool

Butterfree is still my fav in german. “Smettbo”. I’m not joking that is its german name. Its so fun to say. You say it more like “Schmetbo”

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Also cracks me up the singer for the band Eisbrecher also sang the german poke rap ages ago XD


Had something kinda cute happen. Mom and I are still sick but Mom had to go back to work. ( We’re out of the contagious phase basically )

Mom is an RN and was confused that a trans man patient they had also went by he / they. So I had to explain nonbinary to her and how some trans are also enbys.

She’s confused but she’s got the spirit.


You know how hard it’s to play when you have a pair of broken fingers… Had a car hood closed on them yesterday. This year needs to end…


Oh wow.

I’m sorry that happened. May your year have nothing else of note occur. (at least negatively)