LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

As far as I know it’s all faux. I think there may be some that very rarely use real scales but it’s generally looked down upon.

I think I knew someone that used rabbit fur but only cause the rabbits would pass naturally from old age and they would just then turn the fur into leather.

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I think because of the high cost real fur just isn’t viable, that and it’s generally harder to make into fursuits and it’s not breathable.
Likewise it’s frowned upon heavily in the fandom to use real furs.

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I figured this, and am glad to hear it.

Thanks for the answers. I’m a lil gremlin that likes to learn things.



All good! :slight_smile:

I’ve heard of folks using shed antlers in costumes but I also think that’s very few and far between.

Like naturally shed antlers found in the woods for example.


That seems ethical, I didn’t really think of something like that.

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Haha no problem. Currently it’s faux fur because it’s all we got and to be honest it’s not really meant to be used for anything other than upholstery because it’s super uncomfortable to wear longer than 30min.

Four way stretch faux fur is an option but it’s sold by the foot not yard and is super expensive. Which makes more form fitting and realistic suits harder to make


Oh yeah the deer shed in the spring so might as well. I’ve heard of folks using them to make casts too to make plastic copies.

I’ve heard of folks also doing it with skulls etc found to make casts. The jaws for my suit mask are plastic that were molded from the jaws of a wolf (it’s why they look realistic).

All from ethical sources of course.

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oh wow that topic took off


lol sorry yeee it did XD haha we got to blabbin’ about crafting :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh yes I can go on and on about making stuff lol

Hey it’s definitely fun! Trading ideas and brainstorming methods can make new ways some don’t think about.

I’m wondering if maybe I make a hard cast of the muzzle than maybe use the cast to make a foam muzzle to than replace.

At some point I likewise need to sculpt a mold for something but I’ve yet to figure out what. Lol. I’m still a bit of a beginner in sculpting

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I’m still figuring out how to do some molding. Start small so you don’t waste materials etc when learning. Stan Winston if you can get access to any of their stuff shows how to make movie quality casts etc

This was probably my first complete suit

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But sadly the water heater in that house was by my closet I kept it in and it mildewed it and ruined the whole thing :frowning:
I kept the base and redid it later but tbh I don’t like the way it then turned out at all…

I also thinking about it don’t know where my arm sleeves I made for him disappeared to…


Still good work!


That looks really good! :slight_smile:

I’ll probably try making a whole suit for Nikoli at some point for fun although his sona is usually just a head gloves and feet with pants and a jacket (he is a werewolf afterall)

I’ll say I don’t like the revamp because the eyes are creepy fnaf looking ROFLMAO

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lol they are creepy looking but tbh I love it it looks great XD haha

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Full suit was all hand sewn and took months. Used stilts made of wood, PVC and hinges with canvas shoes were a workout to walk in and made me about 7 feet im 5’11"

Google Photos

My sister’s like 4’10" and really it looks funny but again creepy costume haha

Not made anything as intensive since lol just trying to go with toony cute now xD


With some tweaking maybe make half the face a skull and “gory” it could be a fantastic Halloween costume to scare the crap out of people xD

Ah lol got you Yeah idk if I’ll try the digigrade stuff yet cause idk how I’ll do on stilts lol but I’ll make feet that look like digigrade though.

I would say hand sewing would take a long time but it turned out really good!

Oh i just made some digigrade legs via a pattern print out from Etsy that works great you just golla make your own beans

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