LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

My Faux fur foam etc is finally coming in from fed ex and I have a feeling it’s going to get lost.

I feel you the mail loses A LOT of stuff.

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It’s caused such a long delay on finishing the body for my partial I made. I’m just ready to get this goofball doggo finished arrgh! Haha!

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Oh gosh yes! Seeing “label created waiting for package” now spikes my anxiety heavily now… xD

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I recall when I got some parts from Etsy it purchased a “realistic wolf head base” I saved for later so ended up getting that when I wasn’t ready for it…

So I guess if I have enough fur left over I’ll make a secondary head for the body original is toony so I’ll make the other realistic.

Then I also got a brown bear base for another time when I want to make him though I need to plan it out a bit.

I make them for a hobby lol

Partner wants me to make him an alligator but dear Lord I don’t even know where I’d begin on a costume that’s all scales.

I could likely use this base for the alligator.

Lol your name is the place too.

That kind of resin base may work then put something under the skin to give that “raised” look. Not so much foam but like… maybe pieces of plastic so when you put the skin overtop you can mold it around to then paint to make it look like raised scales.

There’s faux leather with scales out there and that may be your best bet.

You can also use moldable plastic to possibly cover up seams too or least it’s worth a try.

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Or can cut shapes from the eva foam to hot glue on a thin layer of foam. Though I feel that’s gonna make the suit hotter that traditional way.

Some point I also want to make a wow style gnoll haha

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EVA foam shouldn’t make it too hot. My head is foam / eva foam and long as you use something on the inside to help wick it should be ok (like spandex)

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I have seen a pattern to make a jawset out of fleece so you can raise the hackles on a head but its for a foam base which I have a resin base so it likely isn’t going to work.
Really I’m brainstorming if there’s a way I can just fill in the muzzle hallow with eva than cut off the resin sides and replace with foam to make a hybrid base so I can do that method
Not sure I’ve seen anything like that other than bases with animatronic parts.

I wish I were tec savvy to make electronic parts for snarls and stuff but that’s way out of my skill set lol

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You could do that but that moldable plastic OR the clay foam you can use on the base and that would probably be the easiest bet.

You could then use a sealer afterwords. The moldable plastic should stick but if it doesn’t, you may have to sand the base a bit to give a rough surface.

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I’ve never heard of foam clay o_o

I’m gonna have to get some and check this out!

Thank you Fuzz!

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You are welcome! Heads up it does shrink a little bit and takes a while to cure.

Side note:
The moldable plastic is the little plastic beads you stick in hot water then hand mold. With a plastic base, that may be your best bet.

This is just an example there’s plenty out there. The only thing is heat so the sun / leaving in hot car may be an issue.

Though question once it dries is it similar to expanding foam head bases in squish or is it brittle?

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Depends on brand. Some of it gets hard as a rock and some gets squishy.

Now mind you for bends, felt may be an easier bet than anything clay OR scale fabric.

Awe! TY :3

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Me over here reading your conversation back and forth like.

Because you both sound like you are and well I’m not talented in the slightest in those types of ways.


btw here’s the kind of scale stuff I was referring to

It’s found on Bigzfabric under the name “Samurai Green Shiny 3D Serpent Snake Embossed”

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It only takes picking up a craft and just practicing:). It’s just dedication and not being afraid to fail. Because you learn from mistakes!

This is like my 4th head if I still had my first one I made from scratch when I was 17 it would be hilarious how rough it was.

And it was a very big head too xD


I used to use paper mache to make stuff and I want to go back to finding a way to make resin stuff instead of paper mache in the same style.

Wrinkles all kinds of fun textures doing that but paper mache well… mold / mice lol

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Oh wow that does look good. Would need to make a yellow banana like colored belly with those oblong type gator scales. I was also thinking maybe eva cut and painted then glued one over the other really would be so time consuming lol

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Hmm that could work and maybe layer the foam in a way so it’s bendy.

Like paint each section individually then attach together using elastic between the scales.

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This might be a touchy subject, but I figure if anyone knows the answer it’s you. Ultimately I’m just morbidly curious.

Do people use real fur or scales in some instances for these things? I imagine it’s a minority if so, but I’m curious what the outlook of it is from your perspective.