LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Lil covid update: just getting over a lil fever. It wasn’t like one of those big dangerous ones. But just enough where I had to get a ice pack.

So yeah. That was fun. Didn’t sleep for 24 hours but I guess I managed to get SOME sleep. Because by the time I tried to sleep, audio sounded faster or slower. Nice lil trick to figure out if you’re REAL tired. And things sound fine at the moment.


I hate when I get sick, my dreams are amped up and weird,

Yeah if you ever manage to fall asleep and THEN the fever hits you. Well that happened to me in the past and yup can confirm. Dreams were weird.

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Kinda interesting to compare my symptoms with Moms.

She can still taste. I can’t at the moment.

And oooo boy does food lose A LOT of the fun when you can’t taste it.

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I’ve heard from people that they have eaten like 5 snickers bars to try to feel satisfied and they weren’t and it was super depressing for them. Can’t imagine losing taste or smell

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I know one thing, if you don’t have your smell just cook liver… your smell will come back after that and all you will smell is liver.

brr… that smell… ew

Its so strange tho. i’ve “lost” my taste before when I was DEEPLY depressed. But that was more of a “i could still TECHNICALLY taste. everything is just muted and feels pointless”

Comparing that to “nah fam I straight up cannot taste” is a trip.

Oddly enough I never had liver. Heard its pretty good for you.

if it is it smells bad if you fry and not soak it or anything. It’s the worst smelling thing on the face of the planet.

Old Gods I hated liver when I tried it… slimey texture… erugh.

I remember wanting to try it as a kid. But that was because a episode of Doug had him not wanting to eat Liver and Onions. But he gives it a try later and finds out he likes it.

Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve listened to something enjoying the tune and then suddenly I registered just what they were saying…

Nice beats seemingly good message… and the one singing the song is a monster and the positive lyrics suddenly sounds very creeper and the message is a lot more distressing…

Oh well at least it’s not some song by a real-life monster bragging about their crimes and/or trying to hurt their victims even more.

There’s a lot going on with the character in that animation. Without spoilers. Nothing that I would call evil for either characters.

These two just can’t freaking communicate properly so stuff gets left unsaid.

The opposite / positive version is with two other characters

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Sorry I can’t edit posts if I wanna keep the video link. The forums are weird about that lately.

But yeah. Stolas and the complicated reason for him singing in Look My Way. He’s not a monster. He’s just now realizing of a biiiiiiiiiiiig power imbalance he was in.

The song is basically “Okay. I’m going to end my deal with this person. This deal is the only thing keeping us together. If Blitz wants to see me, I’ll let it be because he chose to. Not because of the bargain they were in”

His voice actor is Bryce Pinkham, a Broadway performer. So he can put his all into singing and he does a magnificent job. ( The big rooster man in the previous clip is Asmodeus. Voiced by James Monroe Iglehart. The imp with broken horns is Fizzarolli. Voiced by Alex Brightman. So yeah. Loads of Broadway talent in this show )

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To be fair, we are talking about a demon and an imp. Tiny bit evil. :rofl:

Meh. They’re both just doing their jobs. That’s their normal.

I still don’t consider them evil. Even with Blitz who is a freaking hitman.

And yes Asmodeus is the Sin of Lust but again. He’s still not really a bad dude.

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And don’t forget stalker! :rofl:

And that’s why I stick with Liverwurst =p

Well… More mailing delays for the faux fur.

The USPS started in GA and goes to FL when I live in GA… Sent my package to a different state to ship to the same state it was sent from …

The mailing services this year are cursed!

Oh no! That’s a shame.

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