LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Why is it always “sex stuff” from ya’ll? You miss the point so hard.


100% this right here. You know what you said.


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Do you just wait for people to troll here so you can come support them?


Oh boy a troll in the thread!

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So back on track, almost have the art studio thing set up! Can’t wait to get to making some stuff :smiley:


I’ve been making art for Rimworld of late. Been fun to learn how to use the programs involved.


Oh? What programs ya using? :slight_smile:

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Just Report him, he’s already gotten a forum timeout already for doing this garbage. Apparently he learned nothing.


?? really? neat!


How do you guys even do megathreads? I don’t have any specific problems with this one (be who you most want to be imo), I just don’t understand how a thread can have almost 2k replies and there’s any coherency to it at all.

Sorry I’ll let you all be. It’s all good, I swear.

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It’s all good its a great question.

Basically how megathreads work is usually it’s a bunch of persons and or a topic that is discussed etc. Like there’s the waggle megathread for example.

The waggle megathread is essentially a hang out spot and an “elf vs drani” kind of deal. That debate / play fighting has been going on since bc (apparently).


Yes! Just some organizing / setting up the sewing machine and it will all be done for the most part! :slight_smile:

May try to invest in some tables which may hit up some thrift stores for practice material so I can look for tables there.


Ah, so you guys are having fun with it. That’s honestly all I needed to know. Be well in your lives, all of you.


Indeed we try to have fun as best we can, hang out, discuss topics etc.

You have a good one and be well!


Did you have a nice (forum) vacation, Ard? They’re getting longer for you, aren’t they? Can’t wait to see how long the next one will be.

That thread about account wide ignores still going? I think thats the one where I blocked that forum user. I just keep seeing hidden posts and ya’ll responding. :joy:

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That was really well done, I don’t know anything about that series (also not really looking to start a new one… might throw it into my miles long list though), but the song and animation worked very well together to tell a very heart felt story of loss. Thanks for sharing.

gotten kind of quiet as of late, see if they’ll grace us with their presence there again to try and get people punished again


It’s just a bit funny because that relationship is uhhh complicated to say the least, lmao. There’s a lot going on there. :rofl::rofl:

It’s hard to bump threads when Blizz puts you in the corner for a week.

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