LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Oh, another fun note.

I finally hit a wall on my warlock. He’s 451 now, done a ton of upgrades.

Now the only way isto start doing mythics >…< I don’t like mythics, people might think I get “sassy” on GD part of forums but mythics make it worse :frowning:

I’m stuck with pretty much Superbloom,

And just farming elites,wq’s ectera.

Next chapter needs to hit lol !

Anywhose, I pulled my Blood Troll Darkspear Unholy out to play.

Might need a small break from Warlock, he’s pretty awesomes right now.

But, Unholy I wanna see this play out in ED.

I should add, I’m just a little bit,slightly, nah a tad insane when it comes to my Dk’s.

Aw our poor old dog lost a toof.

She doesn’t seem to be complaining about it. Then again this dog falls off the bed all the time and just tanks the floor damage.


Aww, doggo! Tough ol’ hound. :heart:


A tough mix where one parent was a cocker spaniel / poodle, and the dad was a dachshund. So yeah she’s a goofy dog.

Like a taller dachshund that is also a stretched out spaniel. She def got those soulful poodle eyes tho.


Love it. She sounds adorable.

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she is she’s just very whiny. She was the runt of the litter and I think we got her a smiiiiidge too early. So she has issues with being alone or stuck somewhere with someone she’s not too much a fan of.

she tolerates me and stays in my room when moms at work. But mom is the favorite. Eh what can ya do


Yep, that’s my roommate and my cat. She loves him to absolute pieces, absolutely adores him, completely spoils him and will do absolutely everything for him- and he’s like “eh. you’re cool but you’re no Voiron.”

He’s my lil familiar. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sounds like me with my first pet rat. I miss her.


Holy moly! This thread still chugging along for well over a year now.

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Aww, rats are sweethearts. I’m sure she was the best. :blush:

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Indeed! :smiley:

waves at the undead
hi there


/waves at adorable fox friend…


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Oh look. A troll that looks like an elf.

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What do you mean? That wasn’t sarcasm…

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Really now?

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Yeah? I think it’s cool that we can be open about these topics here. It’s not like the actual player base here are 10 year old kids. No idea what you are reading.

Such new and innovative ideas that we haven’t seen a million times before.


Right they think they slick but when people have came in 100s of times before, said the same or similar things, then the “I didn’t do nuffins” it’s like… “sure…”


I don’t know what you think I said but I apologize. I just wanted to voice support for the thread. I won’t post here anymore.