LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

oh?! That’s neat! :smiley:


That totalyl made my night.

I had to look it up to see if they were a thing out here and they are :slight_smile:


hehe foxes tend to do that :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh my goodness this gif is so cute


My cat does this because she knows I think its cute. Shes got me trained so well


I saw the biggest rat I’ve ever seen in my carport the other night. He was munching on the cat food I put out for the neighborhood strays and one of the strays was sitting like a foot away just lookin’ at it.


Thank you. That helped a lot. I finally saw a portal and was able to complete the quest.

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Mom got covid so now I have covid.

To be fair my agoraphobia bought me time until I finally caught it -_-

Bruh it feels like my bones were replaced with rock candy. And then pummeled


Get better soon.

As a heads up, fruit smoothes really help with honey and ginger if ya’ll can have that!

Anyway on a lighter note. I’m just expecting Rosenivy being gone for a bit to deal with their covid. And this is how they return

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I think the confusion is that they asked for a Discord add, and you linked your BTag.

I put my discord tag in there.


Oh, you did. I missed it entirely.

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Man, I love making fried rice. Almost as much as eating it.


That sounds soooo good right now

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Was it ever. I killed my plate in like five minutes and completely forgot about the soft boiled eggs I was making for soy sauce eggs. :grimacing:



Can you share a recipe you like or any tips? I try to make it and it’s never as good as when I buy it takeout


Sure! If you have a wok you can do it all in one go, but if not you’ll want to do each ingredient in batches.

I do garlic, shallots (or onions), egg, whatever veg or meat (a marinade of soy sauce, mirin, rice vinegar, sugar, and lemon or lime juice is great if you want to take the time) you want to do, soy sauce, then finish with spring onions and optionally chilies. For the rice, day old is best. Never use fresh rice- if you make it that day cover it and throw it in the fridge for a few hours. Prep is easy, just chop everything up (if you’re using raw meat, make sure it’s in small pieces so it cooks through quickly) and beat the eggs. If you’d like, you can blanch your veggies for a few minutes in boiling water, but it’s not necessary.

In a wok you get it ripping hot then throw in some vegetable oil (you can use any neutral oil but don’t use olive oil) and swirl it around until it starts to smoke. Then pour off the oil, add some fresh oil, then throw in the garlic and shallots and fry them for a couple minutes until fragrant. It’s really important to constantly stir and toss- fried rice is really fast on real high heat. If at any point the wok is getting a little dry, add a bit more oil.

Once the garlic and shallots are fragrant, throw in your meat if you’re using it and continue to stir and toss. During prep you should have gotten your meat pretty small, so it should cook fast. If you’re doing any veg throw it in after the meat is cooked through and keep stir frying until the veggies are cooked but still a bit crunchy.

Then you scoop the whole mess over to one side of your wok and add the eggs to the empty space you’ve created. Scramble these up until they’re just before set, and then add your rice over the eggs and toss everything together. Make sure to smoosh out the rice clumps so it doesn’t all stick together.

Fry the whole mess up for about three to five minutes, and then pour soy sauce around the outer edge of the wok- don’t spread it directly over your rice. You want the soy sauce to run down the sides into the rice as you toss it, as opposed to going straight in because you want it to coat the rice evenly. If you have MSG, sprinkle it over the rice. This is the restaurant secret ingredient. If you don’t have MSG, you can use a crushed cube of chicken bouillon. It’s not necessary, but it’s delicious. Fry for a few more minutes, then add your spring onions and chilies if you’re using them and toss it for about a minute more.

Turn off the heat and plate it up!

If you don’t have a wok, just fry each bit separately in your frying pan and then toss the ingredients into the rice once it’s nice and fried up. If you have a truly gigantic pan, you can do it all at once, but most pans simply aren’t big enough and your rice will just suck up the oil and end up mushy and gross. Frying everything separately ensures there’s plenty of room for the oil to do its work.


Man Vivziepop out here nearly killing me. I just those covid coughs and this video is making me cry.

Context: This was originally a fan song. So with permission, she pretty much made this song canon. 2nd time this happened too. ( Altho this version has a freaking Broadway singer just putting his all into it )

Oh cmon with all my talk of Rosenivy’s story and his title of Netherlord. Of course I’m gonna be a big ol crybaby picturing my sad elf