LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Source of them not knowing?

I got a post deleted for talking about it.

Like were you joking about slavery or something?

I was basically joking with someone playing an orc ā€œso, you liked being in those camps after the Second War, right?ā€ when they were making some casual comment about the pygmy enslaving.

Guess the mods are similar to youtube where even if youā€™re joking about fictional slavery that can get you age restricted

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Joking about literal game lore. I mean, thereā€™s nothing preventing some of our toons who existed since Vanillaā€™s original timeline point to have been in those camps and been liberated by Thrall.

Iā€™m aware but this was just my guess at why your post got yoinked.

Other than it just being automated

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Iā€™m going with ā€œMods only see a single post, not the contextā€ for 500 Alex.

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That is also unfortunately true.

Its why the T Squad were stuck to the forums for years. Blizz thought they were being genuine


Did they finally ever go away? I honestly got tired of fighting and kind of became a hermit, forum wise.

I only have a couple people from WoW or the forums added on Discord. Idk, Iā€™ve always been a bit of a hermit though.

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Same, honestly. Iā€™m trying to change that lately though. I want friends!

I love my cat but he isnā€™t much for conversation. :rofl:

Iā€™m just not great people so I try to subject as few people to me as possible.


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I had one person, but then we kind of stopped being friends.

You seem great to me! :smiley:

Yay, full raid vault, LFR thoughā€¦ but itā€™s full.

Oh I got sooo yelled at by my sister. She caught me snacking on a small bag of Cheetos. I guess I need to hide my guilty pleasures a bit better.

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Any LGBT guilds or players playing Season of Dicovery? Looking to find people to play with.

/rubs temples

I need to eat a whole box of cupcakes.

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Ooooh cupcakes.

But anyway, whatā€™s wrong? /hug

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