LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Ngl this is why I’m having so much more fun using tiktok these days. It’s like how ppl used to fight back in the day


Yeah, I think I’m getting a little too old to be as bull headed and feisty as I’ve been up to this point.

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Old Gods that whole questline is/was so bad even back then. lol Not just on social issues and such (slavery) but like… just how it treats you the player like an idiot.


To be fair, most the quests treat us like idiots.

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How’s the drama? I feel like the comments and the drama on TT would be hilarious to watch but I never really used it.

You should check out the tiktok oyster girl. She ordered like 48 oysters on the first date, and the guy excused himself to the bathroom and left lmao. The comments went wild and I started fighting with someone that if you want someone to pay on the first date just say that instead of silently expecting people to pay for you :skull: :skull: :skull:

I’ve never really used Discord but I’m seeing around the forums that it’s the main method of communication for WoW? Is there a way to use it in-game, or do you just like… alt tab back and forth?

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There’s an in game overlay but usually yeah just alt tab back and forth or other monitor.

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Ohhhkay. That seems weird but then again I haven’t played seriously since Wrath outside of taking a few keys to like, +8 back in BfA, and Discord seems to be taking over everything these days. Thanks!


yw :slight_smile:

Think of it like the old vent or teamspeak but with gifs / pictures. You can load it in its own app or on your phone if you wanted.

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It’s been a good thing for catching up with folks, too


I use two monitors. Keep wow on one and discord on another myself. I dream of the day when I get a third monitor and can watch shows and stuff on one, dedicate another to Discord and then the main one for Games and other primary applications.


I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I usually just pop in and play for a month or two and then give up but this time around I really want to stick to it. Get my warlock up to 70 with my mage and actually do some content instead of getting stuck perpetually leveling.

I had a 70 rogue too but I rerolled him because they reworked Outlaw in my absence and I’m bad at just picking classes up at max level. I’ve gotta actually level them to learn them.


Haha yeah I’ve got a TV hooked up to my gaming laptop that I watch shows on while I play, so I feel you.


Heheh, I have my 40" Smart TV hooked up as my main monitor to my PC, and a 21" on the side. Right now I have Spotify running on the second.


I should get my Prot Warrior up to snuff too but I’m generally not comfortable tanking until I get to know all the dungeons and mechanics fairly well.

You could, Prot Warriors are quite fun. I like the “Me smash” feel to them.

I actually quite enjoy tanking, and Prot Warr and Blood DK are far and away my favorite ways to do it. I’m just trying not to level too many classes at once because I’m new to Moon Guard, so all my 60+ characters are on WrA and I don’t want to stretch myself too thin.

I realized I haven’t been talking much about my life so a bit of an update.

Ages ago we had a dog named Brandie. We still do but I’m getting to that. When Mom and I moved out here in 2015, we decided to leave the dog with grandma so neither of them would be alone.

With Grandma dead. We got Brandie living with us now. She’s old. Like 14.

Thanks to mom getting a crap ton of money from Grandma passing away, she recently bought this adorable mobile home for us to move into. She’s hoping we’ll have everything moved by January. So we’re slowly scooting all of our stuff to the new place.

And I had the realization that I could buy so many new posters to decorate this new room. I walked in the room yesterday and its a cute lil room.

No internet set up there yet so that’s a work in progress.

I’m also just psyched because Mom met a few of the neighbors and one of them has an adorable pit bull. I never got to be around pit bulls, they’re so cute and I just wanna be their friend.

Finally got a new bed too but that’s at the new place.

It’ll be a new start and I’m excited. I haven’t been excited like this in awhile so its a lil scary.


You can tell the forum mods don’t even know the game lore.

They apparently are not aware Orcs were kept in internment camps following the Second War. :roll_eyes: