LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)


If you have the chance check out the official site she has called Floor World.

She put it out during height of covid while working on her solo album that was amazing.Very heartfelt songs.

Glad to see you around and hope you’re doing well too


lol we can’t
 it got deleted by the mods and you were gone for 3 days.

Eh don’t engage, just ignore and let nature take it’s course.


Fair enough you’re right :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s so tempting to take a few swings

Just pvp, that’s what I do when I need to get it out of my system
 That’s actually I lie, I just lvl up alts since I don’t usually die to mobs and I am trash at PvP.

I am sometimes right, or at least I like to think I am!

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You should stop in more often I don’t see you enough in threads these days it makes me sad or at least friend me on Discord so we can DM with one another and stuff sometimes like I do with everyone else. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah fair enough, just
 ugh. So tired of this.

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Me too, but that’s why I just block/report and move on. Usually a little less tiring and more so just irritating. Then again I am an alliance bm velf hunter on mg, so I have heard it all before so I can take a lot of things in stride.

may I?


Nope. She has standards.


So this season is gonna be expensive since I want that druid form and I want that fire owl on this character. I’ll get the axe at some point, but sheesh, glad it’s not a hunter weapon I need for once lol


Two of my top faves right there :slight_smile:
What got me hooked on them was because of coming across of on Pandora and heard Edema Ruh and Élan have an Undead tank named Edemaru.

I’ve been monitoring my social media use, doing some healing :smiling_face: I haven’t gone away. Just stepping back. I can hand out my discord!


Hadn’t seen you here for awhile, glad to know you’re alright :slight_smile:


I’ll send you a request so you don’t have to post it on here, safer that way in my opinion and then you can just accept it when you can. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Edit - just sent it.


They want to draw you in with them when the mod hammer gets swung.

In other news, apparently we can’t talk about our reactions to quests on the forums here. :coffee:

What do you mean?

I’m leveling a toon through Uldum and it’s the first time I’ve done the Harrison Jones quest lines in their entirety. I got to the one where the Sallah stand in has you go kidnap Pygymies for his side show. This made me go “Huh”, so I made a thread about how we apparently have a slavery quest.

This got people assblasted enough that they flagged it as trolling. It wasn’t like I was screeching for it to get removed or how I was offended or saying Blizzard was pro-slavery or something. But apparently I was just trolling for talking about it. :frowning_face: