LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

My last break I took a week and half without posting and only gave a few likes and then my T3 has been gone since so no clue how it works like works but it’s annoying to have it then lose it then have it then lose it, lol.


I’m not entirely sure, but I don’t think giving likes it’s part of it. Cause I barely ever give any lol.

Think it’s more about days visited / read time.

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Yeah my read time went way down during that week and half but it’s went back up since so I don’t know, just as I’ve said a couple times now that it’s super annoying, lol.


Oh I pass likes out like candy and say silly things that lots of folks seam to like.

Everyone loves gifs and emojis.


It’s a fairly small amount of likes you gotta give to rank up if I recall correctly

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Yeah he did. :wink::point_right::point_right:


So uh… now that bit last night is being used as anti-account-wide-ignore fodder.

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Lol, it’s a pretty poor reason to be against it especially considering trollers should be ignored, actually they should be banned but Blizzard would never go that far so account wide ignoring them is probably the best to hope for.

I mean like the person that started the account wide ignore thread said there’s only like three different people that have been against it and that’s really not that much honestly because all of the character jumping from them doesn’t count.


It’s just… I hate being told that apparently actions don’t matter, it’s that we’re taking their voice away…

When time and time again, these things are always in reaction to the actions of bad actors.

Usually the ones complaining about it being “taking their voice away” “witch hunter” etc etc

Are the bad actors in the first place, so you can just toss those opinions in the trash

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Blessings everyone. :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:


Ard is one of the biggest trollers ever on the forums both general chat and story wise, I wouldn’t take him too seriously because the whole reason he’s against account wide ignores is then he can’t troll anymore the way he does and that bothers him.


In your case, an emphatic yes.


And if referring to yesterday… it wasn’t just one thread and/or post.


Still recovering from Thanksgiving… Spent the whole day yesterday ill.

Anyone got that XKCD screencap to post, the one with the giant [CITATION NEEDED] sign? Should pin it in the OP if we can, in case of future “this thread is hate” posts.


I don’t feel any hate here, I am a guy that prefers women, but I love my LGBT+ friends, In real life and ingame. I don’t identify myself based on my partner preferences and I don’t crap on others for theirs. My best friend is pre-transition, she came out to me as her family dumped her. I got her back on her feet before she left for California. I have met her husband, we too are good friends.

In game I am a salty and crazy orc, outside… I am a 56 year old man, that enjoys a good beer, good BBQ, and video games. EVERYBODY is welcome at my table.


And for this, you are appreciated.

Also… that latest troll’s post-thanksgiving thread OP really aged well, huh?


You’re welcome.

Have the day you deserve. :rainbow: