LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

i want this give me now.


Yall gotta be more careful in these bait threads that pop up. Youā€™re giving them exactly what they want.

Some of you even acknowledge that itā€™s bait, call them out for making a bait thread, and then walk right into the bait anyway.

Ask yourself, what are they trying to bait out of you? In this particular case they wanted to bait you into saying they are not allowed a safe space.

Itā€™s like seeing a trap, warning everyone there is a trap ahead, and then walking into it anyway.

Stay safe out there yall.
Happy turkey day.


That person was swinging for multiple things, some even contradictoryā€¦

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Why not the best of both and have some pumpkin Cheesecake. Oh sweet mother of azeroth cheesecake factory has some divine pumpkin Cheesecake.


Engaging with trolls is just an auto loss.

No amount of facts, reason, logic, principle is going to work.

Their entire goal is to bait you into engaging with them. And by doing so, youā€™re giving them exactly what they want.

There 3 main strats Iā€™ve found work for those type of threads.

  1. Changing the topic and completely ignoring everything else. Youā€™ve probably seen it used before when thereā€™s a spicy thread and in the middle people start talking about donuts or whatever. It really takes the power away from the troll.

  2. The other strat is to feign support. If you pretend to support OP, it completely takes the wind out of their sails. Remember they are looking for you to fight them. Donā€™t give them what they want.

  3. Completely ignore them. Donā€™t give them anything. You already know itā€™s bait, posting in there just gives them what they want.


True. I just look at them as swine. Donā€™t wrestle with pigs or youā€™ll get muddy or however that saying goes.

They love the mud and just look to get everyone else dirty with them. Ignoring them is the best way to banish them, if they canā€™t get under your skin then they get mad and you are the winner.

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No, for some reason pumpkin flavoring just doesnā€™t hit me right.

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Aw, a shame but you like what you like and not what not. Iā€™m a sucker for sweets and such a pumpkin spice and pumpkin anything kinda guy. XD

I could always make ya a peanut butter cheesecake with chocolate crust. I make my own since I do keto and itā€™s almond crust.

Itā€™s super heavy though. Very rich

But you say anything about being heter and the entire world feels like itā€™s burning around you. Because thatā€™s an inclusive community of gamers. Whereā€™s the love surrounding Lorā€™themar and Thalyssra? Wanna see some stuff about that or the like without feeling like I need to be stabbed for enjoying it.

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I have to be careful as it is. Well-managed, but still Type 2 diabetic .-.

EDIT: Oh no, here we go againā€¦


Aw. Sorry to hear. But I donā€™t add sugar I use stevia or erithratol for sweetener. Super low carb cheesecake. :3 chocolate chips are Libby brand too

I cut out a lot of sugar since itā€™s not good for me.

I had a good friend I worked with who was type 1 and a guy with type 2. Both still were bad about eating sweets and took shots in the belly. Really stinks to be affected by that. :frowning:

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My doc was able to help me pin it down before it developed into full-blown diabetes, and before needing insulin. Just a pill once a day for me.

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Well that in itself is a blessing and super lucky. Glad to know they got onto it before it progressed to something worse.

100% tea. I usually see the person as someone who feels quite angry about something and wants to blame something. Itā€™s often easier to hate an ā€˜objectā€™ rather than someone who youā€™re able to humanize and relate to. It doesnā€™t work all the time (depending on the severity), but personally I donā€™t take their trolling as some sort of an attack against me. Itā€™s more of a war in their own head and all I can really do is see the humor in it and/or try to offer an alternative viewpoint or play around if itā€™s really a case of a someone who is just acting a fool and wants to kill some time.

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Lets be real here he ended up flirting with that other guy in the other thread on and off all night anyway so I was more in the vibe of pick your lane and if you are closeted why you hating.


Some sweet trollmance

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I just post funny gifs for the most part.

Some folks make me mad but itā€™s better to report them than to engage with them.


And other times, like all of us, we end up passing butterā€¦

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I keep gaining and losing this ability depending how much time I spend on the forums itā€™s super annoying.


Iā€™m on here everyday and like and post everyday so idk how that all works other than if I get in troubleā€¦

Which I try not to :dracthyr_nervous_animated: