LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Ah, I’d say follow up with a second contact in a few days just to see if they have an answer.

Not a fan of that type either but it still shouldn’t be hard for their system to change the address and billing around. Plus that means there is more time as well.

Yeah. Says they respond in 1 to 2 business days. But anxiety don’t care lol.

Logic side of the brain is trying to be all “its okay. we’ll live if we don’t get a lil chunk of plastic” while the emotional side is a whole lotta words I can’t say here

Hey guys? Anyone have any interest in creating an LGBT-friendly (not exclusive) NA PvE Alliance guild for SoD? My discord username is “catch.the.wave” if anyone would like to converse about this.

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Season of discovery isn’t my cup of tea, but ty for reaching out :smiley:

Hope others see and make it with you :slight_smile:

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For a moment I was thinking you just dissed Star Trek: Discovery and I’d go to war for that show.

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lol no no the wow thing.

Did it have an unusually short Season 8 that left everyone disappointed?

oh phew i got in contact with yootooz and got my order info all fixed. so nice when support emails actually help. I’m too used to dealing with Blizzard and their nonsense support

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Don’t know if will be here Thursday but for any doing the mega food thing Thursday

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Nah…its a very well fleshed out story…with a satisfying conclusion (Pretty grim ending actually)

The epic was complied between the 3rd century BCE and the 3rd century CE in India

For U.S. people… have a fun feasting day!


… what? No, seriously, what?

I’m going to suggest that these statements were made in bad faith. The only other posts by this character are… well, just go see.

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Ignore the troller he already made a flagged straight thread then came here to troll.


Yeah, that’s what I determined too…

detective Naughtymoon, nice work.

So I made the kitties some beef and liver kitty food for thanksgiving. Harley liked it but cutie didn’t so I made her some chicken later.


That’s a yikes, and an extremely rare report from me.

Pretending to be another race to mock their plight is the line you crossed for me. I couldn’t care less if you like or don’t like to slob knob.


I’d hate to hear you were mocking your own plight, so I’ll live in the world where I assume you’re not.

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