LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

i grew up in a pretty fundamentalist christian household (southern baptist, more specifically), and while my dad would eventually move towards a more progressive stance on religion, the rest of his family remained hardline. i think part of it is geography: we grew up in a rural part of Georgia and we moved to a city when i was young, but everyone else stayed in the sticks. my dad was surrounded by people who had different mindsets and values than his own, and i think that forced him to reevaluate a lot of his own beliefs, whereas the rest of his family just didn’t.

in other words, the religious people you find in cities are more likely to be open-minded than those who live in rural areas. don’t get it twisted, though. there’s a lot of christian sects that are just miserable through and through, calvinism being perhaps the prime example, and they’re a pretty prominent presence in a handful of big cities here in the US.

Wow, I didn’t know that! Today I learned.

It’s a horror show over there. I’d advise against ever going there because it’s illegal.

Terrible treatment and extreme punishments.

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This was written before I knew it was meant to be narrowed down to a specific area. It’s since been addressed with the person who made the post I replied to.

In Hinduism, transgenders are called Hijras. Which is a third gender in Hinduism. Female Hijras (male->female) sometimes offer their male genitalia to goddess Bahuchara Mata who is the goddess of fertility so they can receive her blessings.

In the Mahabharata (Hinduism Bible), there is a person called Shikhandi (who was a reincarnation of Amba) who transitioned from female-male and then married a woman.

In vedic literature, Mithra and Varuna the protectors of the sun are both male and fallen in love.

Just a couple examples of LGBT stuff in Hinduism.


This is awesomely educational. Thank you for sharing!


These are new!!!


Rainbow and a Masquerade themed items


As a westerner, I don’t view all Christians as homophobes. There are Christians who follow the actual teachings of Jesus and there are others who use Christianity as a way to attack others for things they don’t like.

The first are people to be admired and respected. The second are just nasty people.

These are broad generalizations, and purely anecdotal, I admit freely. It’s just my experience having grown up in the bible belt as a non-Christian.


The stitching reminds me of the swatches on the Aids quilt, which is a nice touch on these to see similar

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Slight Correction

Bhagvad Gita is the Hindu Bible (although takes place in Mahabharat)

Mahabharat is an epic…more like Indian version of game of thrones

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Oh man. I found a youtube channel that has the entire VH1 “I love the-” series. I was OBSESSED with this in my teens. So many of the jokes were pretty much burned into my head.

Its even got that crunchy video quality since this was from 03.


Moon Guard trade and lfg chat being a dumpster fire again hating on LGBT today.

I think they’re not hitting some automated report count over time threshold so they never get actioned. Some very serious repeat offenders though.

It’s always this crazy over obsession that somehow we’re this big boogeyman who is going to ruin society or that we’re somehow more promiscuous.


To a certain extent. I’m not sure how it is in the lesbian community but for the gay community. That’s one of the biggest flaws, so many gay men are not ready to settle down. The dating culture is toxic, and only a few people look for long-term relationships.

I mean. We’re only just NOW seeing gay elderly men more in the world.

Thanks to the 80s, a lot of them didn’t even make it to “settle down” age

( also given the housing market, ain’t no one settling down these days )


The HIV/AIDS crisis was not kind…

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Where are all the gay guilds at? I’m trying to find an lgbt community on WoW. I see a few guilds that say “LGBT Friendly/accepting”, which is great. But I’m hoping I can find something focused on LGBT

Hi there. On retail there are quite a few on Proudmore A, Moonguard A and Wyrmrest H.

Not sure about classic.

Also, hit up the guild recruitment section of the forums. Lot of LGBTQIA+ guilds will recruit there too. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I like to roll horde, I’ll check out Wymrest – I haven’t played on that one yet.

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Hey yw :slight_smile:

There are quite a few cross faction guilds out there too and they may be in the guild recruit forum section. :slight_smile:

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